Omaha Gun Amnesty Yields a Box of Broken Ass Guns

Gun amnesties are, of course, a farce. No criminal is his right mind---and what gun-wielding criminal is?---would walk up to a cop and turn in a perfectly good gun. Unless, of course, there was...

Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Rand Paul Hearts Guns

1 "A lot of politicians will show up at a gun-rights groups like this, and they'll say, 'we support the Second Amendment; we're all for you,' and then you send them off to Washington and,...

WaPo MythBusters Bust Some Anti-Gun Control Myths. Or Not.

Tomorrow's Washington Post indulges in a little pre-game "myth busting." Scribes Philip J. Cook and Jens Ludwig are getting in some licks before the Supreme Court's highly anticipated McDonald decision, widely expected to strike down Chicago's...

Dear Abby: “Gun-Toting Churchgoer Raises Concerns”

It's a little-known fact that advice columnist Abigail Van Buren (born Pauline Phillips) kept a Colt Python on her night table, resting on a special scratch-proof doily. Her twin sister Ann Landers (born Eppie Lederer, for some reason)...

A Whole Lott of European Spree Killings

More Guns, Less Crime author John Lott may not be the most compelling writer. In fact, his prose makes ibuprofen directions read like an Ian Fleming novel. It's a testimony to the power of Lott's logic...

Ontario Landowners’ Association to MPs: Abolish Long Gun Registry Or Else

We spied a news report at on the ongoing battle to abolish Canada's long gun registry. The Ontario Landowners’ Association wrote an open letter to MP's requesting their vote to abolish the government...

VPC: “Open Carry Thugs Terrorizing Americans”

2 Josh Sugarmann of the Violence Policy Center (VPC) has penned another polemic conflating facts with opinion, anecdotes with analysis. In other news, the sun came up this morning. Still, you gotta give Sugarmann credit...

Cayman Islands Gun Amnesty = No Impact on Gun Crime

The Cayman Islands' month-long gun amnesty ends tonight at 7pm. Meanwhile, gun crime continues apace. reports on the most recent firearms-related criminal activities with as much sarcasm as they can muster. "There have...

Procedural Screw-Up Spikes MA “Gun A Month Club” Bill

The Boston Globe reports that Massachusetts House Bill 4102 ("An Act to Reduce Firearms Violence") died due to a procedural error (a.k.a. a screw-up). "On Tuesday afternoon, the votes were counted: 4 in favor and 4...

Georgia Governor Perdue Signs SB308: Your Car is Your Castle

0 Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue vetoed Senate SB291 (re: guns near airports) and signed Senate SB308 into law. The headline attraction for 308: Georgia's gun owners now have the right to carry a weapon in their...

California Updates List of Banned (“De-Certified”) Handguns: Smith & Wesson Joins the Non-In Crowd

2 "Designed for the U.S. Army and carried by U.S. Navy SEALs, Texas Rangers and many other elite military and law enforcement professionals, the SIG SAUER® P226® has earned its place in the highest class...

New York Times Minimizes the Stupidity of Microstamping Guns

Most pro-gun reactions to gun control legislation require a bit of thinking. This morning, I tried to explain how Massachusetts' move to limit gun sales to one per month per customer could endanger lives---by...