Why Massachusetts House Bill 4102 (One Gun a Month) Is a Bad Idea
I wrote this comment in response to a stat-dependent Boston.com editorial recommending House Bill 4102. It also contained this challenge: "I would love to hear from gun advocates a good reason why anyone, other...
Anti-Gunners Exposed! Or Not. The Gun Show Loophole Madness Continues . . .
Just when you thought it was safe to open your inbox, along comes another missive from the National Association for Gun Rights. Today's edition covers an ad paid for by Bloomberg's "Mayors Against Illegal...
“Bilderberg Wants Americans Disarmed And Dependent On Government”
Personally, I'm more afraid of Build-a-Bear than Bilderberg. I reckon that whole heart implantation ceremony is some sort of demonic incantation designed to bring the stuffed animals to life at The End of Play....
Derrick Bird Lake District Spree Killing. I Blame America
Taxi driver Derrick Bird's shotgun slaughter in the UK's Lake District continues to put the pedal-to-the-metal re: the island nation's efforts to strengthen its Draconian gun laws. Although Prime Minister David Cameron warned his electorate...
Finally: A Brit Stands Up For Gun Rights
Not much time to blog, so just a quick heads-up. The Telegraph is running an op ed piece entitled "Only a totalitarian state disarms law-abiding citizens: we want no more oppressive gun laws." It's...
Ladies: Guns Aren’t As Bad As You Think. Guys: Try And Think
Heather LaCroix shares her anti-gun control argument at 3:26. After a non-verbal "ain't no flies on me" assertion, Ms. LaCroix keep it real simple: strict gun control would leave law abiding folks defenseless. Got...
Brits on Gun Control: Why Have Guns?
The Daily Mirror takes the post-Lake District spree killing gun control "debate" to its logical conclusion, pausing only to ridicule America:
Gun crime is thankfully rare in Britain. That's because we have very tight laws...
Newly Empowered BAFTE Throws Firearms Industry Into Turmoil with New Gun Transfer Rule
With all this misleading talk of gun-grabbing U.N. treaties, American gun rights groups got seriously sandbagged by a sudden change in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (BAFTE) rules for moving guns...
UK Considers Tougher Gun Laws After Lake District Spree Killing. But What?
The UK is one of those countries where the cry "something must be done!" is not just political pandering. When something happens, something happens. Something that almost always involves an expansion of an already...
Misleading Email on U.N. Small Arms Treaty Making the Rounds
democraticunderground.com shares an email making the rounds that stokes the fires of the Obama As Gun Grabber meme. As we wrote yesterday, this is a great psychotic episode at the wrong mental health facility....
Philippine “President Apparent” Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III: Just Say Maybe to Gun Ban
"President apparent" is an odd moniker. But that's how the press refers to Senator Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III, the son of former President Corazon Aquino. The Philippine presidential candidate, the nation's proverbial "man of the people,...