TTAG’s Bias Against Bias Against Guns Doesn’t Bias Us Against John Lott’s Anti-Bias Bias
Here's your Lott, mate:
As I have discussed in The Bias Against Guns, relying on news stories to document defensive gun uses has its limits, but it still gives you a very minimum estimate on...
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Straw Dogs Obama
Barack Obama is not a gun grabber. He might want to be one. He might have secret plans to be one, someday. But as of this moment, there is no evidence that the 44th...
Tennessee “Guns in Bars” Bill Nothing of the Sort
The Memphis Commercial Appeal has a bee in its bonnet re: the "guns in bars" legislation heading towards approval. They're pissed at the state legislature's likely override of the governor's veto of HB0233, which would allow...
Philippine Gun Ban is Go
As TTAG predicted, the Philippine government is moving to extend its temporary, election-related gun ban to infinity---and beyond! The state-dominated media is, surprise, lining up behind the idea. "We believe that the enforcement of the...
Finland’s Spree Killings Trigger Gun Control Debate
Last New Year's Eve, Ibrahim Shkupolli stabbed his ex-lover, gunned down four of her colleagues at a Finnish shopping mall, and then turned the gun on himself. Shkupolli fired 10 shots from a pistol that had...
Pediatrics Journal Study on Urban vs. Rural Gun Deaths Misses the Point
A reader over at shares our view that the much-publicized study by Pediatrics journal---announcing that rural suicide stats equalize urban gun crime death---is a botched landing at the wrong airport. While we crunched the...
Book Review: Shooters
Although Abigail Kohn was raised in a liberal Jewish background, it would be hard to reduce her to cultural stereotype after reading Shooters: Myths and Realities of America's Gun Culture. The book followed from...
Coalition for Gun Control’s Wendy Cukier: Why Canada Should Keep The Long Gun Registry
CA Man Arrested for Threatening to Sodomize Mayor Daley with a Gun
You may recall that Chicago Mayor Richard Daley offered to sodomize a reporter with a gun---and fire off a round---to prove the importance of gun control (go figure). The Chicago Sun Times reports that it's...
Chicago Mayor Daley: Access to Guns Kills More People than it Saves
As TTAG reported earlier, Chicago residents faced with rising gun violence are buying illegal guns. The black market got another boost recently when an 80-year-old Korean War vet purchased an illegal $150 handgun. After...
Some Thoughts About Army Posts and Personal Firearms
Regarding issue weapons, I can’t speak for the other services, but in the Army, at least, everyone trains with the M16 (or now the M4) with the possible exception of doctors, lawyers and chaplains,...