NRA Sues Wilmington, DE Over Public Housing Gun Ban

The National Rifle Association (NRA) filed suit today against the Wilmington, Delaware Housing Authority for barring residents from possessing firearms. The case, Jane Doe v. Wilmington Housing Authority (WHA), comes not so hard on the heels...

John R. Lott, Jr: Calderon’s False Statements On Guns

In an editorial for Investors Business Daily, "More Guns, Less Crime" author John R. Lott, Jr. responds to Mexican President Felipe Calerdon's ridiculous and insulting comments regarding Arizona's new illegal alien law. Some of Lott's arguments...

OK Senator Inhofe: U.S. Army Bases’ Gun-Free Zones Have GTG

2 In the Fort Hood shooting, Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan shot and killed 13 people and wounded 30 others. On an Army base. Now you might think that an Army base would be the...

It’s Time for the Madness to End. The Gun Buy-Back Madness

1 There is no conclusive evidence that gun buy-back programs do ANYTHING to reduce violent crime. As TTAG has pointed out on many occasions---and will continue to to do so (for example, here)---these programs simply increases the...

Glock Dodges Massive Liability Bullet

In 1999, white supremacist and B2 bomber engineer Buford Furrow entered a Jewish Community center in Grenada Hills (CA) and shot and killed Post Office employee Joseph Ileto with a Glock 26 . Furrow...

Editorial: Why I Support The Second Amendment

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- A 24-year-old West Side woman was raped in her bed Monday morning by an armed robber who broke in through a window. The robber and rapist also broke into another home in...

If Guns Are Barred in Bars, Only Criminals Will Carry In Bars. And These...

Joseph D. Schwenz Sr., commentator over at Tennessee's, sounds off on the state's pending "guns in bars" legislation: Ever since the expansion of right to carry into restaurants came up, the media have consistently headlined every...

In Canada, The Knife is Mightier Than the Gun

Canada has some of the world's toughest gun control laws. To legally obtain a firearms law-abiding Canadians have to jump through more hoops than a circus lion. All guns must be registered with the government....

National Shooting Sports Foundation to San Antonio Express News: Drop Dead

0 To the Editor, The San Antonio Express News' support for depriving law-abiding Americans of a constitutional right without due process based on a secret government “watch” list is both disappointing and disturbing. (“Suspects can’t fly,...

FBI: Crime Down. Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms: See?

For the third year in a row, violent crime has declined in these here United States. Preliminary data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report shows that the violent crime rate fell 5.5 percent in...

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas: Don’t Tread On Me, Felipe

"It was inappropriate for President Calderon to lecture Americans on our own state and federal laws. Arizona’s immigration law has been amended to make clear it does not authorize racial profiling by law enforcement. Moreover,...

South Africa Bans Guns in Stadiums During World Cup— And Beyond?

The Independent on Sunday reports that the Republic of South Africa has banned guns from its football (soccer) matches for the duration of the forthcoming World Cup. "For the first time in the country's...