Letter to the Editor: Gun Advertisements Lead to Suicide

York PA's ydr.com publishes a letter to the editor from a health care professional who thinks that gun show ads make suicide easier and more attractive. Year after year, I have been disgusted with the...

NRA Members Are Terrorists. Allegedly.


Arlen Specter Under the Gun

Back home in PA, Senator Arlen Specter is running neck and neck with Joe Sestak in the Democratic primary. According to Washington Post reporter Greg Sargent, the Kansas-born Specter, "is highlighting his vote against...

70k NRA Members vs. Seven Protestors. Guess Who Gets the Ink?

Thousands flock to NRA convention; not everyone agrees with their message. That's the headline from wcnc.com. The thousands number 70. The protestors in question number seven. Seven people chose to demonstrate in front of...

Think Progress: NRA Leaders Out of Touch with Members on Terror Gap

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00wN15Qbrqk&feature=player_embedded The clever bastards at Think Progress door-stepped National Rifle Association (NRA) members and asked them about the "Terror Gap." That's the gulf between the FBI Terrorist Watch List and actual terrorists. Kidding. A bit....

Pundits Pounce on Palin’s Pandering Paranoia

As Our Man Kozak reported, Sarah Populist Palin's speech made little more than a head feint towards the Obama Administration re: its record on gun control. How could it be (or not be) otherwise? Barack's...

Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network


Here’s How New York City Plans to “Streamline” Concealed Carry Regs

Yesterday, about a billion posts ago, we reported that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to create a new gun control law: Concealing While Intoxicated (CWI). But we were more interested in his...

NRA Convention: No Guns Allowed

Thank you for contacting us. The Charlotte Convention Center does not allow the carrying of firearms, both open and concealed. The large size of our event and the fact that many of the largest convention...

Canadian Long Gun Registry Supporters Play the NRA Card

Wendy Cukier really, really, REALLY wants Canada to keep its Long Gun Registry. The gun control activist has been hyper-active, leaving no rhetorical stone unthrown in her relentless campaign to save the ineffective, intrusive, unpopular...

Ted Nugent: “My Gun Control”

Despite this relatively somber photo (we owe it to Ted after the Indian headdress shot in the last Nugentonian post), Ted Nugent is the NRA's court jester. Jester? He just met her. But seriously...

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Takes Aim At Eddy the Eagle

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Violence doesn't like Eddy the Eagle. Neither do I; the bird's eyebrow work creeps me out. But the Brady Bunch have a different beef. They agree with The Violence...