Retired Winnipeg Cops Bash Brass in Gun Registry Battle
Sorry for scraping 8/9ths of that headline from but needs must. And Canadian cops must support the continuation of the country's Long Gun Registry, or face the consequences from their political paymasters. That's...
Washington Times Rx for Detroit: More Guns, Less Crime
The Washington Times isn't exactly what you call a liberal media outlet. And if you were thinking of calling it one, today's editorial on Chicago's gun crime would put paid to that idea. Guns...
Million Mom March Against Gun Violence Set for Saturday
Gun violence is a horrible thing. When an innocent person is shot and killed by a gun, whether legal or illegal, friends, family, colleagues and society at large feel the ballistic butterfly effect. Many lives...
Aaron Titus Opposes “Gun Owners Are Probably Terrorists” Acts
Here's Aaron Titus of The Liberty Coalition opening statement to today's Congressional hearing "Terrorist and guns: the nature of the threat and proposed reforms." The Coalition works with more than 80 organizations from across the political...
Editorial: Pistolization? Pistolize this!
Do you feel pistolized? Canadian sociology professor James Sheptycki created the term “Pistolization” to describe the phenomenon of a society that integrates hand guns into commonplace daily life. It’s a more elegant and pointy-headed way...
Colorado State University Rescinds Gun Ban
The Denver Post reports that the Colorado State University (CSU) Board of Governors has rescinded a system-wide ban on concealed weapons. CSU's decision follows the Colorado Court of Appeals ruling in April that struck...
Utah to Toughen Concealed Carry Permit Standard?
A couple of weeks back, New Mexico "de-recognized" Utah's concealed carry permits. The Land of Enchantment reckoned The Beehive State's permitting proces was a trifle lax, given that the required class lasted just four...
Philly Cop Gary Williams Proves Inescapability of Collateral Damage
Gruesome business this. "The fatal shooting of Howard Williams, 22, happened about 6:30 p.m. on a crowded South Philly block," reports. "where at least 50 people were engaged in 'an all-out water fight'...
Bobby Kennedy’s Assassination and Gun Control Rhetoric Circa 1968
Back in the day, I read The Village Voice. Hooked on Hunter (Thompson, not Holly or Rachel), I was hungry for journalism with Gonzo-style insight, passion and wit. For the Voice, two out of...
Harry J. McCullough III and The Importance of A Proper Concealed Carry Permitting Process
In a recent editorial, I ranted at KETV Omaha's biased report on a Nebraska armed robbery case. An armed citizen, Harry J. McCullough III, shot and killed an armed robber and subdued another with a concealed handgun....
Question of the Day: Do You Have An Obligation to Carry a Gun?
There's one side of the gun debate: the average civilian should not own nor carry a firearm. Then there's the other side of the debate: Americans have the right to bear arms. Well, that's...
Editorial: The Gun Show Loophole Is What It Is
TTAG commentator JadeGold responded to a recent post on the Mayors Against Illegal Guns' campaign to force all firearms sellers at gun shows to perform an FBI background check on all purchasers. "Closing the...