Even After the Maine Shooting, a Majority of Americans Want More Enforcement, Not More...
From the CCRKBA . . .
A new Rasmussen survey conducted in the aftermath of the Maine mass shooting substantiates what the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has said for...
An Interview With Pure Precision’s Landon Gines on Action Design, Materials, and Accuracy [VIDEO]
By Mike Semanoff
Growing up with a Remington 700 in my hand, I always loved the feel of a bolt action rifle and the potential accuracy they have. Being 16 years old and obsessed with...
Glenn Beck Boils Down the Anti-Gun Left’s Arguments on Gun Ownership and Firearm Exports
GLENN: Dateline Washington. The Commerce Department is halting exports of most US-made firearms for 90 days, and reviewing its support of the country's biggest gun trade show to ensure such backing does not undermine...
How to Give Good Advice When You’re Asked About Guns
By Paul Markel
Just like clockwork, when people who don't own or carry guns are faced with the reality that we live in a dangerous, uncertain world, they look to their “gun friends” for advice....
Oaksong at KOS: The Second Amendment is Only for the Benefit of Whites and...
All this nonsense about being able to preserve the country from some imaginary tyranny is just that, nonsense. The NRA and the Far Right have been shilling nonsense about the meaning of the 2nd...
Mastio: Once We Start Banning Classes of Firearms, The Gun-Banners Will Never Stop
It is also important to remember that the biggest threat from the dangerously mentally ill is not to the public, but to themselves. There are more suicides annually than murders.
Moreover, rifles, including the AR-15 assault-style rifles,...
Have You Carved Your Pumpkin Yet?
Now that's one way to carve a pumpkin! 😂 Shoutout @gun_girl_jen for the creativity! 🎃 #FNAmerica pic.twitter.com/0DkkkKMIrH
— FN (@FN_America) October 23, 2023
Might as well get a little practice in at the same time. 10mm...
Don’t Wait for News of a Killer on the Loose to Have the Tools...
Long lines, rising sales and crowded stores have been a scene at gun shops throughout Maine since Thursday morning, when stores opened for the first time since mass shootings in Lewiston on Wednesday night...
It’s Strange the Things for Which Some People Are Willing to Make Liberty Tradeoffs
Watching the usual anti-gun tirades by gun-haters in the aftermath of a high profile shooting like the one in Lewiston, Maine, it's interesting to see the things that people will and won't make liberty...
Bloomington, IL Gun ‘Buyback’ Paying $200, $400 and $500 EACH For ‘Unwanted’ Guns This...
Trick or treat, smell their feet cash. The Bloomington, Illinois Police Department will be hosting a “gun buyback” this Sunday, October 29th. They're seeking "unwanted" or unloved guns and they're paying a premium price...
Dickey: The World of the AR-15 is a Frightening Place Where All That Matters...
A lucid, straightforward, and well-researched and -reported work, American Gun promises, via its back cover, “fairness and compassion.” By the book’s end, I found myself wondering why fairness is a worthy goal here. I...