Peter Fonda Training his Grandchildren to Shoot Obama. Or Not.

[youtube] “I’m training my grandchildren to use long-range rifles,” Easy Rider star Peter Fonda told the at the Cannes Film Festival. “For what purpose? Well, I’m not going to say the words 'Barack Obama’, but...

TTAG APB: Can Anyone Do REAL Gun Sounds?

GirlsMakingGunsSounds (GMGS) is post-modern. In other words, the joke is that the girls can't make guns sounds but the caption pretends that the auditory lameness is specific to one firearm. After about the fifth...

Fenway Park (MA) Electronic Billboard To Chart U.S. Gun Death

"The new look for the 250-by-20-foot billboard along the Massachusetts Turnpike near Fenway Park will feature a digital counter displaying the number of American children and teenagers killed by guns daily," reports. "A...

Patrick Kennedy: Sympathy for the Devil (Jared Lee Loughner)

9 Ah, Patrick Kennedy, scion of the Kennedy clan and former RI Congressman from my very own district. A man who had trouble shaking my hand outside Wholefoods because of the DTs. Or too many...

Non-Incendiary Image of the Day: Heaven’s Where You Find It Edition

The rabbi sent me this pic of the NRA range in New Mexico. Lucky bastard.

The Truth About The Source of Mexican Drug Lords’ Guns. Again. Still.

SHOW ME THE GUNS! This message goes out to Mexican President Felipe Calderon, who keeps on insisting that Bob's Gun Store in Bordertown, USA is responsible for arming Mexican drug cartels. For some reason,...

The Litmus Test for Republican Presidential Candidates

Mitt Romney? Are you friggin' kidding me? While the conservative pundits tsk tsk over Romneycare, let's not forget that this is the same EXPLETIVE DELETED who signed an "assault weapons" ban in Massachusetts. A...

Question of the Day: How Do You Plink?

The only thing that really sucks about Rhode Island: I don't have a place to plink. I love target shooting. There are plenty of indoor and outdoor pistol and rifle ranges within twenty minutes...

Tucson SWAT Team Defends Shooting Iraq Vet 60 Times

36 On the other hand this, from a recent Force Science Institute email blast about an upcoming study: "You are confronting an armed suspect, no cover available. He faces you, with his gun at his...

Would Ted Nugent Shoot Fish in a Barrel Too?

Robert Farago clearly hit a hot button with his assessment of Ted Nugent's mental state. I have little respect...

Ted Nugent is Insane

I agree with everything that Ted Nugent says on the subject of guns. I understand that his "Motor City Madman" persona is just that. The man behind the rock and roll 'tude is...