Detroit Free Press: Police Shootings Suck

1 I know, right? Nobody wants a policeman to get shot in the line of duty. Maybe not even the Hutaree, whose prosecutor pointed at the entirely unrelated murder of Officer Brian Huff in the...

Uncle Sam Collects $2,035,154,440 in Firearms Taxes (2009)

That's a lot of money. O.K., it used to be a lot of money, before Uncle Sam decided to max out his (our) metaphorical credit cards. And then some. Still, the National Shooting Sports Foundation...

And The World’s Largest Gun Store Is In . . .


Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unnamed Hooper, Utah Show Off [Not Shown]

2 Showing a new gun to people is an inherently risky business (which is why I don't do it). Do you REALLY know how to make the weapon safe and make 100 percent sure it's...

2.25% of Texans Conceal Carry; Whites Out-Permit Blacks

The Texas Department of Public Safety's Concealed Handgun Licensing Bureau (CHL) has released stats for 2009 permit holders. As Kraftwerk would say, I'm the operator with my pocket calculator. Y'all. Total number of active CHL...

Die Water! Die!

0 Here's a YouTube clip featuring the same Hatsan shotgun used by Miles "the Crazy Texan" Slade (Ian Somerhalder) in The Tournament (reviewed by our own Robert Fure). Quick aside: doesn't ANYONE shoulder this bad boy (Die...

Question of the Day: Should I Join the NRA?

Generally speaking, I'm with Groucho: I don't want to belong to any club that would have me for a member. But I'm also aware that foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. In...

Lindsay Lohan Pulls the Trigger on Gun Porn

Let's get one thing straight. The gun in this photo is not IN erstwhile actress Lindsay Lohan's mouth. It's in front of her lips. No doubt celebrity photog Tyler Shields told The Double L...

Incendiary Image of the Day: Demotivate This

3 is a web site where you can make your own poster, without worrying about the shotgun-wielding Library Of Congress police swooping down on your humble abode. Alternatively, you can simply rate or buy...

Militia Madness: That’s What I Hate About the Media

I've been working in the media for 34 years. (I don't look a day over 83, I swear.) In that time, I've seen the Internet tear the gatekeepers' playhouse down. 'Bout 'effing time, too....

Chicago Mayor Daley Threatens Gunmakers with World Court. Wait. What?

You do know, of course, that there is such a thing as the World Court, right? OK, sure, if you want to pedantic (and who wouldn't), there isn't "a" world court. There are three,...

New Mexico Concealed Carry Course (w/Gubernatorial Candidate Doug Turner)

0 "It's almost too easy," Doug Turner's instructor says, after New Mexico's republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Turner squeezes off a round with the Remington 700. "Almost," Turner replies. Ah, but the question is: are out...