40% Buy Guns for “Home Protection; 36% for “Personal Protection.” Or Something Like That.

I make that 76 percent of Americans buy a gun or guns for some kind of defensive purpose, according to a National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) poll conducted by Harris Interactive. A couple of...

Mexican President Felipe Calderon Blames Assault Rifle Imports on Congressional Lobbyists

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V49XFsZYblw Gun talk: starts at 3:08. El Presidente blames Washington lobbyists: 5:05. And that would be . . . the NRA? Gun makers? Corruption, eh? Mind you, the American kettle folk would like to remind...

Editorial: Pop Culture and Guns in “Couples Retreat”

Rented the movie "Couples Retreat" a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, not much more than a mediocre film (maybe two stars, max.) As is the case with too many movies today, the trailer makes it...

Scarface School Play is Fudging Ridiculous


Female Gun Ownership on the Rise. Or not.

Back when bottoms had bells, I worked for CNN. I remember standing behind Camera 3, waiting to pan right two inches (a job destined for automation), hearing the apoplectic News Editor (destined for cremation)...

Sarah Palin Reloaded. Again. Still.

You could say that ex-Alaska governor and current Republican agent provocateur is becoming increasingly bitter and twisted. Or you could say she's developing a penchant for nasty-ass sarcasm. Either way, Palin is pushing back...

The Losers Movie Poster Lacks Shell Casings

I love living in a world where people have enough food, clean water, shelter, security and freedom to be able to occupy their mind with stupid shit. To wit: Robert Fure of filmschoolrejects.com's Boiling...

Sarah Palin: “Violence Is Not the Answer” So What Was the Question?

"We know violence isn't the answer," former Alaska governor and current political provacateur Sarah Palin said on Friday. "When we take up our arms, we're talking about our vote." Sure, that makes sense....

Editorial: Is Anti-Gun Culture Lowering Boys’ Reading Skills?

I don't know about you, but I'm a boy. Well, I was one, back in the day. I played guns all the time, perfecting the art of finger shooting, quick draw and dying while...

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Outguns Sarah Palin Whilst Porking Out for World’s Largest...

The former governor of Alaska (that would be Ms. Palin) recently ignited ire on the left of the American political spectrum for a firearms-related metaphor on Twitter and gun-sight imagery on Facebook. More than...

Beijing Fires 100 Deodorant Guns on Local Landfills

Here at TTAG we've shared stories about hot-dog guns, T-shirt guns, football guns, nail guns, handguns, rifles and shotguns---to name just seven. And we'd love to show you what a deodorant gun looks like....

New York Funeral Home Billboard: “Stop the GUNS, DRUGS & VIOLENCE or be our...

I guess the operative word here is "next." 'Cause even if you somehow manage to stop the guns, drugs and violence (a lethal cocktail to be sure), you're still going to end-up dead. I...