How The FN P90 Became A Staple Of Science Fiction

When it comes to weird-looking guns, few can beat FN's P90 bullpup. Most rifles and personal defense weapons have a fairly traditional layout: magazine up front, grip behind that, with the stock bringing up...
Women Training Shooting at the Range_Sean Utley

Chicks Dig the Gun & Other Fun Findings from the NSSF’s Latest Shooting Participation...

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) just released their annual Firearm Ownership & Sport Shooting Participation in the U.S. report with stats from 2022. And while the mainstream media and anti-gunners would try to...
Defensive Gun Use

Real Tales of Self-Defense: Floored in Virginia

A flooring company crew was installing a hardwood floor inside a second-floor condominium in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in October when a woman who lived downstairs called the police around 8:30 a.m. complaining about the...

Combat Medic: What To Do When Someone Else Is Shot

Read the first of this two post series here.  Being shot and having to treat yourself isn't ideal. I went over the basics of what to do if you are shot in a previous TTAG...
Jon Wayne Taylor shotgun coronavirus

What Gun, What Ammo, and What to Do Now

We are all getting a lot of advice these days. Some of it is even good advice. If you are reading someone telling you what to carry, how much ammunition you should be comfortable with,...
ar-15 train range training assault rifle

America’s Armed Populace: Why Owning an AR-15 Rifle is a Moral Imperative

By Mike Nowland The howler monkeys of the anti-self defense rights crowd constantly blast us with weepy, blood-spattered reminders of the costs of an armed society. Those same people, however, are remarkably well disciplined about...

Merry Christmas from TTAG

Enjoy the food, the fun, the family, the friends and everything about the day. Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
Angry woman cartoon pointing feat

Harassing Your Friends and Relatives About Safe Gun Storage Won’t Keep Your Kids Safe

The big gun control grifting operations are out in force in the run-up to the holidays on social media. The big thing they want to frighten people with this time? Visiting family and friends...

Q&A With the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson

NSSF is pleased to post the latest of our occasional Q&A features with an elected official who supports hunting and the shooting sports. We thank U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Michael Johnson, from Louisiana’s...
UN knotted gun SCULPTURE

The Numbers That Support Arguments for More Gun Control Just Don’t Add Up

By Rob Morse Gun Prohibitionists call for more gun control every time a criminal uses a firearm. Like a bunch of short attention span headline surfers, we pass more gun control laws every year without bothering...