So, What’s Up With The Failed Assassin’s Demolition Ranch Shirt?

You know it’s going to be a bad day when you find out a failed assassin was wearing a shirt with your YouTube channel name on it. But that’s exactly what happened to Matt...

GOP Talks Guns At USCCA Gathering In Milwaukee

While the Republican Party has taken most of the references to firearms out of its official Party Platform, a meeting hosted by the U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) at the Republican National Convention in...

FPC Sets Maine Governor Straight On Freedom Of Speech

A squabble between the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and Maine Gov. Janet Mills is growing increasingly strange. The battle stems from a video in which Gov. Mills told a liberal reporter that she was considering...

Reaction Of Gun-Ban Groups Proves Vance VP Pick Was A Good Choice

We reported on Monday how former President Donald Trump’s selection of U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio was a good one as far as the Second Amendment is concerned. Of course, the real way...