Gun Review: CZ 75 B Limited Edition

In 1949, SIG SAUER created the P210 semi-automatic pistol for the Swiss Army. Apart from production innovations, the P210 earned an enviable reputation for excellent recoil control. In terms of precision and reliability, the gun...

Gun Review: Kahr CM9 9mm

I’ve never been a big fan of polymer frame guns. They’re light, some even toy-like. For me, they don’t have the solid grip that I get from metal frames, and they just don’t look...

Gun Review: HK P2000 US Duty Pistol (LEM)

The other day my brother-in-law the federal LEO stopped by for a visit. I fully and publicly admit that I struggle with jealousy at my BIL's ability to carry in all fifty states, in...

Gun Review: Caracal 9mm Pistol

I've been trying to get ahold of Caracal since the SHOT show. No dice. In fact, I've heard rumors that Caracal's U.S. distribution deal has gone down in flames. Be that as it may, I reckon...

Gun Review: Beretta M9/92A Take Two

I am a fan of the M9. I am also a senior NCO and leader of a marksmanship training team in the US Army. To date, my team and I have trained thousands of...

Gun Review: Magnum Research IWI Desert Eagle Mark XIX .50AE

If you’re looking to snag a Desert Eagle for your firearms collection, there are a couple of things you need to know. You’re going to need a bigger handgun safe; the Desert Eagle isn’t...

Gun Review: Smith & Wesson Model 640 Pro Series Pt 2

When I first reviewed the Smith & Wesson Model 640 Pro Series, I berated the trigger. Like most S&W revolver triggers, the go-pedal was as smooth as a baby's backside. However, it was heavier...

Walther PPQ Review: Is faliaphotography the New Nutnfancy?

Just don't say ANYTHING about her breasts. The last time I pointed out that Ms. Falia was a babe capitalizing on her babe-osity I got into a comment war with the gun gal that left...

Gun Review: SCAR 17S (Semi-Auto Civilian SCAR-H)

The United States hasn't fielded a true .30 caliber battle rifle since Vietnam when the M-14 was replaced. And for good reason. A "full size" rifle cartridge like the 7.62 NATO has a lot...

Gun Review: Remington XCR Tactical Long Range (.308)

  I have to admit that I’ve had a beef with Remington lately. After being totally disappointed with an 887 Nitro Mag, seeing numerous QC issues with Model 700 rifles –including an problem a fellow...
Gun Review: H&K P30 9mm

Gun Review: H&K P30 9mm [Updated 2018]

H&K P30 Gun Review In a world of compromise, some don’t. Thus reads the unofficial tag line of Heckler & Koch, whose products I can only dream of owning…not just because they’re expensive, but because they...

Heizer DoubleTap Hands-On

While waiting in line to pony up for my range time recently, a pleasant man in spectacles and his son struck up a conversation with Matt, the owner of Sovereign Arms. Sovereign Arms is...