Gun Review: ArmaLite 16″ Flattop Upper

The ubiquitous AR-15 lower receiver is the Trojan Horse of the gun world. When it quietly insinuates itself into your gun safe beneath a pencil-barreled M4 upper (or in my case a dedicated .22...

Gun Review: German Sport Guns (“GSG”) 522 SD

Unless you live under a rock like that guy in the GEICO commercials, you will have noticed the recent trend by gun manufacturers to offer replicas of military long guns chambered in .22 LR....

Gun Review: Umarex/Colt AR 15 – 22 Part 2

My work-mandated personality profile indicates that I have a severe issue with making promises. According to the head doctors, if I promise to do something, it plagues me until I get it done. Quite...

Gun Review: Kel-Tec KSG (Rabbinical Version)

I'm writing the full review of the Kel-Tec KSG shotgun as I type. Wait. What? Anyway, as TTAG prides itself on speed, I thought I'd post the rabbi's amphetamine-crazed (kidding) take on Kel-Tec's 14-round...

Gun Preview: Springfield Armory XDm 5.25 9mm

Springfield Armory's much talked-about competition class XDm is in the hands of your faithful correspondent. Crimson Trace marketing maven and Top Shot champ Iain Harrison reckons the 9mm 5.25  is the most versatile handgun...

Counterpoint: Kevin Smith Re-Reviews the Hi-Point C-9

This is a follow-up review of the Hi-Point C-9 that was originally reviewed here by Ben Shotzberger in May of 2011. In the initial write-up, the reviewer found the pistol to be excessively heavy, had problems with...

Gun Review: Rohrbaugh R9S Stealth

In my ongoing quest to avoid buying and carrying the snub-nosed, hammerless revolver that is likely my destiny, I took my Rohrbaugh R9 to the range for a little quality time. I purchased this R9...

Gun Review: Steyr TMP/SPP Edition

Gun people are some of the most generous hobbyists you'll ever meet. They'll put their favorite rifle or pistol in your hands, loaded with a magazine full of their own ammunition, step back and...

Gun Review: Franklin Armory (NFA Defying) XO-26b

A few weeks ago I ran a story about Franklin Armory's new contraption. Thanks to some legal footwork this thing isn't technically a rifle, isn't technically a pistol, and isn't covered under the NFA....

Gun Review: Wilson Combat Bill Wilson Carry Pistol 1911

TTAG's Fearless Leader called me up shortly before I left for Knob Creek. "I'm going to make your day" he said. He's said this before. The last time an ArmaLite AR-50 showed up at...

Gun Review: GLOCK 20 10mm Auto

Hype. It's a word synonymous with 10mm Auto. Developed by Col. Jeff Cooper, carried by Sonny Crockett, known in the firearms fraternity as "the cartridge the FBI couldn’t handle,” 10mm Auto has achieved near...

Gun Review: Glock 17 EXO

I've been a Glock fanboy for my entire shooting career. I'm not ashamed to say that I look forward to new model releases with as much anticipation as a COD player. Glock doesn't scratch...