Woman concealed carry gun in purse

Tips for New Concealed Carry Practitioners

With Chinese virus worries across America, a lot of folks new to concealed carry have decided to carry a gun for a change. Some have owned guns for years and some just bought their...
Springfield Armory XD(m)

Buying Your First Handgun? Think, Ask, Try…and Choose Carefully

By Jim Barrett I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that many first-time gun buyers end up selling the first handgun they buy within one year of purchasing it. Let me...
gamo C-15 pistol

Can’t Buy a Firearm Now? Here Are 3 Air Guns You Can Buy Today

Lots of people are buying firearms these days and lots of people can't find firearms these days given the unprecedented demand. Plus there's the issue of delayed background checks, waiting periods or gun stores...

Coronavirus Diaries: Helping Friends With Their First Gun Purchases

By a TTAG Alumnus At the outbreak of the Los Angeles riots of 1992, many of director John Milius’ more liberal friends called him in a panic. They knew he owned an arsenal of guns...
gun store sales

Got Your First Gun During the COVID Panic? Do These 6 Things RIGHT NOW

So you decided to finally become a gun owner due to coronavirus-related fears? Well, we're glad you've finally joined us, but there's a few things you really need to learn and fast. Under normal circumstances,...
Man holds handgun in gun store

Don’t Panic-Buy Your First Gun, Make a Prepared Purchase. Here’s What You Need to...

Here is some critical information to make sure you get the right gun and gear during this unprecedented event. Gun shops nationwide are seeing a huge demand and record sales, particularly from first-time gun buyers...
buying a new gun

Practical Advice for Quarantined New Gun Owners

By Joe Bartozzi Exact numbers from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System won’t be available for at least another week, but by all indications, there are potentially hundreds of thousands of new gun...
coronavirus gun sales

How Do You Handle People Who Suddenly Want To Borrow a Gun?

Now that our world has become a significantly more tension-filled place with the spread of the Chinese coronavirus affecting almost every aspect of daily life, a lot of non-gun owners have reconsidered their opinion...
barney fife bullet

What’s the Worst Self Defense Advice You’ve Ever Heard?

Between gun stores and the internet, gun owners both new and old can learn a lot. Great information is widely available about gun ownership, maintaining firearms and their use in competition, recreation and self-defense....
Emergency Preparedness prep prepping

Emergency Preparedness: How Much is Enough?

  Preparedness for contingencies goes a long way to turning chaos into mere inconvenience. Finding one's self unprepared when life throws you a curveball sucks. Hopefully, like many TTAG readers, you maintain some level of readiness...
concealed carry training

3 Things They Don’t Teach You In Concealed Carry Class

Mandatory firearms training violates our Second Amendment protection against government infringement on the right to keep and bear arms. That said, I've been generally impressed with the instruction I've been forced to absorb. It's tedious...
pistol spare parts

Spare Gun Parts You Should Always Have On Hand

There are a few spare gun parts that you should always have on hand in case your gun malfunctions. Guns are machines, and as a result they can and will have mechanical failures. You,...