affordable military surplus rifles

Military Surplus Guns You Can Still Afford

Oh, the days when military surplus guns like a Mosin-Nagant could be had by the armful for about $100 each, along with all the corrosive steel case surplus ammo you could shoot. Those were...
6.8 SPC vs 300 BLK ammunition military suppressed

3 Alternative AR-15 Rifle Chamberings To Consider

Let's face it: getting an AR rifle in .223/5.56 is BORING. It's too easy! Everyone has one. It shows a lack of imagination. Oh, okay, fine. .223 and 5.56 NATO has their virtues. It's cheap,...
trigger finger

How Much Trigger Finger Should I Use on a Handgun?

Watch TV, movies or just surf the gun web and you'll see lots of images like the one at the top. You'll see it plenty at the range, too. The shooter in that photo...
SIG P365 Manual Safety

Guns for Beginners: Are Manual Safeties Relevant Today?

I was among the first to review the brand-new SIG SAUER P365 Manual Safety model here at TTAG. The pistol was so damn good that I put 2,000 rounds through it with zero issues...

How To Get Started In Competition Shooting

I’ve been active on the competitive shooting scene since I was fourteen years old. In that time I have learned a great deal and have been constantly and regularly humbled by the amazing and...

How to Use a Rifle Sling to Shoot Better

I have spent more than half my life in the Civilian Marksmanship Program shooting sports. When I began my CMP career, I was told by a wise old man at my local club that...

Should I Carry My Gun With A Round In The Chamber?

Long story short, you need to carry your gun with a round in the chamber. If you're going to have a handgun for concealed carry or self-defense, it needs to be loaded. The point of...

The 3 Things Everyone Should Carry Every Day

Over at Everyday Carry, one can peruse what other people carry in their pockets on a daily basis. We feature one of those pocket dumps each and every evening right here at TTAG. It's...

Defensive Accuracy: Can You Keep Your Shots On an 8.5×11″ Piece of Paper?

So, do you have what it takes? Can you keep your rounds on a letter-sized piece of paper at 21 feet and less? If not, don't feel badly about asking for help. Why does the...
firearms pistol training range personal defense

3 Best Shooting Drills For The Indoor Range

What about shooting drills for the indoor range? You can do just about anything outdoors, including all the run and gun you want, but indoors is a different matter. What shooting drills are the best...
Concealed carry printing

‘Printing’ While Carrying Concealed – Is it Really a Problem?

By Travis Pike The first day I carried a gun I was absolutely terrified that someone would see it. I was freaking out that someone would 'make' me. I constantly readjusted my clothing and always...
Ruger GP100 revolver home defense

The Best Handguns For Home Defense

Ultimately, the best handguns for home defense are the ones that you can run best. That's the primary consideration. Can you shoot it worth a darn? That's what matters most. So, what are the best...