Getting Started in CMP Competition – Part 2: Selecting Your First Rifle

So you’ve decided you want to compete in Civilian Marksmanship Program matches, be it at local clubs or with me at the national matches at Camp Perry. It all starts with the rifle. This article...

Firearms Terminology: Guns for Beginners

Reader Anner writes: True Believers get all wrapped up in proper firearms terminology. Avoid that next lecture from the old coot behind the counter by studying this partial guide to proper firearms terminology: Caliber – The diameter...

How to Improve Your Shooting Without Really Trying: Guns for Beginners

There comes a point in every new handgun shooter's life when their marksmanship hits a plateau. They can shoot so well and no more. The temptation: buy a better gun. If that means a more comfortable pistol,...

What to Tell the 911 Operator After a Defensive Gun Use: Guns for Beginners

Calling 911 during or after a defensive gun use is a necessary practice fraught with danger. If you call the cops during an attack (e.g., a home invasion), the operator will try to keep you on the...

Two Approaches to Confronting a Home Invader: Guns for Beginners

74 There are two schools of thought on how an armed American should confront a home invader or invaders. (Hint: carrying a banana is not one of them.) They are . . . 1. Announce yourself If you hear...

Concealed Carry Q&A: Guns for Beginners

Michael W. Loos writes As concealed carry has come to the forefront in politics and state legislation fights, as the threat of terrorists on our home turf becomes a reality, as gang warfare expands,...

The Three Bad Habits of Brand New Handgun Shooters: Guns for Beginners

Congratulations! You've joined millions of Americans who've exercise their natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. Provided you observe The Four Rules of Gun Safety, you're about to enjoy a lifetime...

Your First Carry Gun Made Easy: Guns for Beginners

Ever heard of Stendhal syndrome? It's a condition sparked by too much choice. You'll find sufferers in front of the spaghetti sauce section of your local supermarket, standing there, staring. You'll find them at gun stores too. No surprise there. An...
The Four Rules of Gun Safety

The Four Rules of Gun Safety: Guns for Beginners

The Four Rules of Gun Safety prevent firearms-related accidents -- more accurately called "negligent discharges" or ND's. Follow all four rules and you eliminate the possibility of creating a dangerous, perhaps even deadly ND....

Blue Force Gear: How to Camo Your Rifle With a Sponge

By John Mounce (republished with permission from Blue Force Gear) A few months back we produced Vickers Slings in one of the coolest camo patterns - Multicam Tropic. This pattern is awesome when used in...

Calculating Muzzle Velocity and Trajectory With Five Shots (Or So)

For years now I’ve been a long distance shooter. For much of that time I’ve been missing targets at long distances. There isn’t any shame in missing. Most of you have missed more shots than...

Self-Defense Tip: Avoid Stupid People in Stupid Places Doing Stupid Things [Video NSFW]

This video shows an irate customer at the last neighborhood store Michael Brown ever visited. The thing to notice: all the people standing around, either waiting for something to happen or doing their...