one-handed one hand shooting

Guns for Beginners: Practice Shooting One-Handed. A Lot.

It's a handgun. Not a "handsgun." As anyone who's tried to get a two-handed grip on a small revolver will tell you, a pistol is designed to be used with one hand. Yes, there...

Question of the Day: Why’d You Join the Gun Ownership Club?

"I want to protect two things: my job and my gun. That's why I'm supporting Barack Obama." That quote appeared on a labor union election promo featured in RF's "Friday Flashback" post, and boy does...

Guns for Beginners: Draw and Shoot?

11 It's generally accepted that most defensive gun uses (DGU's) end without a shot fired. The defender shows the bad guy or guys their gun, the perps think better of their attack and scarper. Result!...

Ask Foghorn: How To Build an AR-15 Upper Receiver

Daniel writes: I was reading (Nick's) post on assembling an AR lower assembly. It was awesome and the associated video answered all my questions and was done very well. All fan boy aside, I was wondering...

Guns for Beginners: Don’t Off-Body Carry [VIDEO]

48 I'm sure there's a situation where off-body carry is safer than on-body carry. I can't think of one, given that carrying your gun in a bag/case/backpack opens the possibility that you'll leave your firearm somewhere you shouldn't,...

Guns for Beginners: Weaver vs. Isosceles Stance

82 A previous post talked about stance, suggesting that new shooters consider the pros and cons of the bladed or Weaver Stance and the isosceles or triangular stance before choosing one or the other. Just a quick...

Fallout 4 Tip: Don’t Over-Scope Your Gun

Over the last few weeks I've been playing a lot of Fallout 4. Like, a lot. An unhealthy amount, even. Despite the random crashes and glitches (seriously, how do you get the mayor's elevator...

Gun for Beginners: The Totality of Circumstances, Reasonable Person Standard

One of the most vexing questions facing a concealed carrier: when should I pull my gun? Too early and you're looking at a brandishing charge. Too late and you're dead. Same goes for firing your...

Guns for Beginners: Move THEN Shoot

37 This video illustrates an important indeed life-or-death point we've made in this series numerous times: moving is your first priority in a self-defense situation. If you don't "get off the X" (as the gun gurus like to say),...

Guns for Beginners: How to Defend Against A Gun – For Realz! [VIDEO NSFW]

54 In this video - as in all of these disarm videos - the bad guy holds the gun steady, well within the good guy's reach. In this situation, even someone who hasn't studied under Wing Chun...

Noir Takes a Newbie Shooting [VIDEO]

24 Gun guru and firearms fashionista Colion Noir shares the commonly held belief that hands-on experience with firearms is the key to "converting" anti-gun rights voters to a pro-gun rights position. And proves it above. Well, not entirely....

What I Carry and Why: Tyler Kee’s M&P 9

I've been writing about guns longer than I've been carrying one so most of my "What I Carry" journey has been hashed out here over the last four years. I don't have a fancy...