Effective, Affordable, (and Free) Shooting Improvement: Dry Fire Practice at Home
If there's one thing that any concealed carry training regimen should include, it's dry firing practice. And plenty of it. Some might even argue that it's the most important training a concealed carrier can...
Shotgun Mini Shells: A Shotgunner on Their Advantages, Drawbacks and Best Uses
I love shotguns. I always have and I come from a family who used shotguns for hunting deer, shooting birds, and defending the homestead. In the Marines, I was one of the few Marines...
Central Illinois NRA Youth Shooting Camp Returns After a COVID Hiatus
"This is fun!" That's how one of GSL Defense Training's new instructors described her first time volunteering at one of the nation's longest-running NRA Youth Shooting Camps in Bloomington this past weekend.
Before COVID came...
Is Old Ammunition Safe to Shoot?
As a longtime firearms instructor and head of a gun rights group, people ask me all sorts of questions. All questions have merit, especially for people who are new to guns. Among these questions,...
NY Times Finally Informs Readers That Millions of Women, Minorities Bought Guns Post-Pandemic
The New York Times deplores the idea of gun rights for the little people and that's regularly reflected in its "news" stories and editorials. In an ongoing demonstration of their hypocrisy, NYT writers scribble...
On Situational Awareness and Dangerous Women
Making the decision to carry a concealed weapon is only the first step in a process which includes purchasing a handgun that's appropriate for one’s personality and life, training, regular practice, and adapting one’s...
Scopes for Beginners: How Do I Align My Scope With My Gun? Scope Leveling...
While there are dozens of products available to help you mount your scope in perfect alignment with your rifle, there's one that I've used for many years that's cheap, simple, and extremely effective. This...
One More Time: What Does the AR Stand For in AR-15?
The AR-15 platform rifle is the most popular rifle in the United States. Yet somehow, the meaning of "AR" (as in the AR-15 or AR-10 rifles) continues to be the subject of much debate....
What Is The AR-15 Forward Assist And Why Do I Need It?
The AR-15 forward assist, a mechanical feature found on most AR-15 pattern rifles, is something that newbies might not totally understand. You'll find the forward assist assembly on the right-hand side of your rifle...
Woman to Woman: 4 Pieces of Advice for Getting Used to Your New Gun
Reader Rebecca Platt writes . . .
I was seven years old when I had my first experience with a gun. My father was target shooting with some friends and asked me if I wanted...
One Simple Trick for Keeping Your Guns Incredibly Clean
A lot of our readers like to clean their guns. They find it soothing and reassuring. Me...not so much. My usual trick for cleaning my guns: get someone else to do it who liked...
The Four Rules of Gun Safety for New Gun Owners…and Everyone Else [VIDEO]
Col. Jeff Cooper furthered the cause of general gun safety by distilling and popularizing the four rules of safe gun handling. The purpose was to minimize accidents, otherwise known as negligent discharges (every accidental...