Self-Defense Tip: Keep Shooting Until the Threat Ceases

According to Hollywood, you shoot a bad guy, they die. Unless they suddenly and unexpectedly come back to life. In which case the good guy shoots them again. And then they die. Here in...

Quote of the Day: Run On Rick Perry Edition

"I wish my son and my daughter were here with us today. They would truly enjoy this, but from my perspective that’s part of America is walking across that hillside with one of your...

In Which Your Correspondent Breaks his Diamondback DB9

  Sovereign Arms is a great little range and gun shop at the intersection of Highway 141 and 21 in the outer circle of St. Louis County. They have a small selection of quality guns....

Andrew Snyder’s Guide to Guns

You can slot guns into several categories. Some guns may fit in more than one category, but no gun covers them all. Here are the categories as I see them: Practice Guns: This pretty much...

The Blake W. Hiatt Files: A New Barrel for My RIA 1911

First email: The link pin of my RIA started drifting out just enough to make the barrel bind when removing for cleaning. I purchased a Storm Lake Stainless Semi Drop in Barrel as a replacement...

Ask Foghorn: Should I buy an AK or AR? Which is better?

A reader writes: uy an AR or an AK? If an AK, any suggestions? Man, you just opened a can of worms. And I've got a crowbar to open it even further. Let's get this thing...

Question of the Day: What’s The Best Beginner’s Rifle?

32 Think youngster OR adult new to shooting.

TTAG at KCR: Frazier History Museum in Louisville, KY.

My parents took great pains to beat into my head the idea that whenever I had some downtime in a new city I should immediately seek out the nearest museum. During my trip to...

Ask Foghorn: Best AR-15 for First Time Black Rifle Owners

John writes: I want to buy my first black rifle. I have decided on a Colt SP6920. I'd buy a LE6920 but I don't feel like paying an extra $200.00 for some roll marks. I...

TTAG at KCR: Flying with Firearms, DCA / SDF

This past weekend I flew out to Louisville, Kentucky to cover the Knob Creek Shoot for TTAG. I've flown before, and I've been on assignment for TTAG before, but I was doing something...

Ask Foghorn: Best Pistol for Competition Shooting for New Shooters?

A reader writes: I am interested in getting into some kind of shooting sport. I love the sound of 3 gun however, I am not financially ready for this. It looks like the...

Ask Foghorn: Cheap Red Dot Sights

Ben writes: I am new to the 2nd Amendment community. I have always had an appreciation and love for firearms, but I didn't put my money where my mouth was until this past summer when...