Question of the Day: How Tough Does Your Gun Have to Be?
In the great 1911 vs anything else debate, a critical fact is often lost: reliability isn't that important. It is, but it isn't. In other words, if you buy a good quality 1911 and...
Obscure Object of Desire: Gemini Customs Ruger SP101
You may recall that TTAG reviewed the Ruger SP101 3" as a potential newbies' first gun. I looked to the stainless steel Ruger revolver for four reasons: ease of operation, low-recoil (comfortable range time),...
Self-Defense Tip: Work on Your Trigger Reset
You hear an awful lot about "muzzle flip" in the gunblogosphere. Much of it right here. At the risk of preempting an Ask Foghorn post, I'll say this about that. You can have a...
What’s Wrong With This Picture: BOO! Edition
I love Oleg Volk's work. Why else would I keep channeling TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia to his site? But our man really needs someone with a bit of tactical knowledge to advise him on the...
Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: GUNxprt
I HATE being lasered. Don't point a gun muzzle at me, anytime, ever. A certain TTAG curmudgeon lasered me the other day, claiming it was OK because the action was open. No, it's NOT...
Training vs. Instinct
About an hour ago, I fell off my bike. I have no idea how it happened. I was talking to Foghorn on the 'phone. Suddenly, I was crashing. I aimed the bike for the...
Self-Defense Tip: Embrace the Suck
Writing for, Val Van Brocklin reckons a cop's life sucks. I'm not saying Brocklin's supporting bullet points would convince a cop to put a bullet in his brain, but they sure don't sound...
Ask Foghorn: What Makes a Good Trigger?
Our fearless leader received an email from one of our readers.
"It seems people are always complaining about this trigger or that, or talking up the...
CDC Zombie Info Forgoes Firearms
"There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for," the Center for Disease Control assures. "Take a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh...
Question of the Day: How Do You Convince Someone to Try Shooting a Gun?
Two of my kids go to a Quaker school. A few fathers and I have formed the ironic SCHOOL NAME HERE militia. Our motto: defending non-violence at any cost. There's a major stumbling block...
Gun Review: Browning Buckmark Camper
When I decided to buy a new .22 LR (22 Long Rifle) pistol, I knew exactly what I was looking for. I wanted something well-built with a decent sight radius that would eat range...
Question of the Day: How Many Guns Do You Know How to Shoot?
The real badasses in Spec Ops are trained to fire "any" gun, in case they have to use what's available. So much for "beware of the man with one gun." Unless you're talking about...