Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Fake Scan
Wow. This guy is fast. Well, he's fast at clearing a double feed. When the deed is done, BatterieSnare shoots at what can only be called a leisurely pace. After that (:35), he lowers his...
John May, Wilson Combat: Why the 1911 is Still a Favorite for Self-Defense
After more than a hundred years of deployment,...
American Guardian Lacks Trigger Discipline
So there I was catching up on my recorded gun shows, driving Sam mad by yelling at the TV. "Why doesn't the instructor to teach those OFWGs to crouch first?" I demanded at the...
MAG 80 Experience Pt 1
In early 2010, I had the epiphany: I needed to bite the bullet. I needed some heavy-duty gun training. I did some asking around. I was overwhelmingly directed to Massad Ayoob and his entry-level MAG... Google for Gun Shops
Gun stores tend to have the same advertising scheme as prostitutes: word of mouth and a sign on the street. Even here in Virginia I don't think I've ever seen a T.V. commercial for...
Competition Shooting 101: USPSA / IPSC
All right class, settle down. It's time to start the next lesson. First we looked at 3-gun competitions, king of the shooting sports. Then we looked at CMP / NRA High Power, the classiest...
CA and MA to Ban Super Soaker High Capacity Magazines
I'm just messin' witch you. About the ban. website that's always needed to buy an "l" from Vanna White---reports that Hasbro has added H2O magazines to their Super Soaker squirt gun line. They...
Self-Defense Tip: Three Things to Do Before You Shoot Someone
Let me be perfectly clear: these are three things you need to do before you shoot someone who needs shooting. That would be a person or persons who pose an imminent threat of death...
Latest TTAG Team Member on Detonation vs. Deflagration
I am prohibited for disclosing anything about our latest contributor that might compromise his ability to perform his day job. Suffice it to say, BOOM!
The iMarksman training system
I found this guy tucked away in the farthest corner of the convention center. His product, the iMarksman, is a laser-based training simulator that's developed for the home user. Using a drop-in replacement slide...
New CZ 75: World’s Safest Handgun?
According to their website, the new CZ 75 "is used by more Governments, Militaries, Police and Security agencies than any other pistol in the world." Here in The Land of the Free, not so...