Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Have Your Pants on the Ground, Pants on the Ground
Anyone who’s manned the counter at a fast food restaurant or worked in any kind of retail establishment can tell you how difficult it can be dealing with the public. And they’re just slinging...
Self-Defense Tip: Sometimes You Lose
Sorry to be such a bummer, but the truth about gunfights is that sometimes you lose. No matter how well-prepared you are, no matter how hard you train or what gun you use, you...
Self-Defense Tip: How to Draw from an OWB Holster Wearing a SMFV
Some of us can't tolerate Inside-the-Waistband Holsters (IWB). So we pocket carry or wear an Outside-the-Waistband (OWB) holster. Come spring, temperature permitting, we have to lose the jacket and don a vest to conceal...
Firearms Confidential: A Tale of Three Cities. Pt. 1 New York
New York City is my “home town,” so I have to admit a bias, borne of knowledge gained through years and sometimes pain. When I was growing up here, it was a safe place....
Self-Defense Tip: Know What You Don’t Know
A member of TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia emailed a link to the now infamous McDonald's beat down video. "I fully realize that the general consensus is you walk away, run if needed, rather than enter an...
Competition Shooting 101: CMP/NRA High Power
In our last installment we stepped into the fast-paced world of 3-gun competitions, where going fast was the key to success and moving around the course was an integral part of the challenge. This...
Three Reasons to Restrict Firearms Sales
A large number of Americans don't have the mental bandwidth to consider the full implications of gun control proposals. Close the gun show loophole? Stop selling guns to people on the FBI's Terrorist Watch...
Self-Defense Tip: Practice with Your Eyes Closed
OK, disclaimer first. Only practice this "eyes closed" live fire drill where it is safe to do so. We're talking closed range, close range, experienced shooter. I repeat: don't be a putz. The idea...
There’s No Such Thing As Idiot Proof
The really awesome part? It took three people to make this happen.
Self Defense Tip: Know What a Gun Can and Cannot Do
Go to :31 in this video. Notice something? The slide's locked back. The gun is empty. This information might have been useful for the employee forced to fork over the contents of the cash...