Three Reasons Why It’s OK to Want to Carry a Concealed Gun

My application for a concealed carry license is almost complete. The big Kahuna: a one-page letter explaining why I want to carry a concealed firearm. As Rhode Island is a "shall issue" state, and...

Gunsite Launches Single Action Defensive Pistol Class

Yesterday, TTAG had a to and fro about the wisdom of using a single action weapon for for self-defense. Today, reveals that gun guru Jeff Cooper's inheritors at Gunsite training have created a...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Kenny Wayne Miller

4 Notice how Kenny Wayne Miller raises and lowers his gun like a fishing rod. "Fishing" isn't just inefficient. It's a clear violation of the safety rule "Never point the muzzle of the gun at...

1911: A-OK for Combat

6 In my weekly matches, I often RO individual stages when needed. I have seen a few AD’s, but I would like to point out that they aren’t exclusive to 1911’s. They occur...

1911: Unsuitable for Self-Defense?

Regular readers know I train under David Kenik. The rabbi is a self-effacing gun guy who's quick to point out that his advice is his advice. He's happy to explain why he holds his...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Officer Winston Mercedes

"A Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department officer is on paid leave after his 3-year-old stepson found his gun in the back of the family car and shot himself in the thumb in Gastonia," reports. "The...

Your Magazine or Your Life

1 I know, I know. It hurts to let an expensive magazine from your expensive gun hit the dirt. Dirt! Ug! Tiny particles that can seriously screw up your gun. (A Kimber!) And what if...

RI Concealed Carry Permit Qualification

I've put my application for a RI concealed carry permit on the back burner. My English daughters are finishing their summer vacation in the Land of the Free; I resolved not to wear my...

“I’m Not Feeling Very Safe with All These Empty Guns Around Here”

Watching Mr45Bullitt and Low Cost High Def Camera on YouTube is only slightly more exciting than spectating at a sailboat race. But the web-slinger's got a line on the truth: a lot of gun guys get anxious...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: TomPort86’s “Friend”

2 I've stated my basic position on loaning firearms to anyone, ever. Don't do it. Now let's look at letting a novice break their ballistic cherry with your gun. Don't do that either . ....

The Secret Life of Trigger Discipline

There are two golden rules for gun safety. Rule one, never point a gun at something you don't want to destroy. Rule two: keep your finger off the trigger until you've decided to destroy...

Hand Skill for Handgun