Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Pot-Smoking Shotgunner

2 As a younger man, I was no stranger to the evil weed. I reckon I've done everything high that I've done "straight": eat, sleep, fornicate, study for exams, etc. I might have done all...

How Not to Train Your Girlfriend to Shoot A Rifle

1 Kneeling? No ear protection? No eye protection? Shooting a bullet into a metal car? I could go on. And Lord knows I do. But if you're ever tempted to get your girl to uh,...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: James Howell

Gun safety rule number one: treat every gun as if it's loaded. Unfortunately, most gun owners---and even firearms professionals---take that to mean "always unload your gun." That ain't it. Treating your gun as loaded...

Why You Need a Revolver for Self-Defense

Jean Paul Sartre must have been fun at parties. But then who isn't? I've been known to regale guests at swanky soirees with stories of home invasions, armed robberies, police shootings gone bad and...

Why I’m Selling My “Baby Glock” Glock 26


OK, NOW I’m Scared


Question of the Day: Should We Teach Children How to Unload a Gun?

1 I reckon gun owners are letting non-gun owners control the gun safety message given to children. The emphasis is always on disabling the gun, keeping it away from children and telling them not to...

Cap Guns Don’t Kill People. Hammers Kill People.

0 A Darwin Award nominee in the making.

ISSC Loans Shooting Ranges [Not a Glock] M22s for Beginners

So, you want a Glock. But you don't want a Glock. But you do. But you don't. So you could buy one of ISSC-Austria's M22 range pistols instead. After all, "the M22 brings you...

Video Review: GunVault GV1000C – DLX Gun Safe

5 Full review of the Gun Vault GV1000C - DLX to follow.

Did You Catch That?


Is That Gun Loaded? I Assume So.