Alexis Evidente [Not Shown]: Buy Ruger Guns, Not Stock

Although RGR's revenue growth may have grown nicely over the last two years, its stock price maxed-out on July 27, 2007. Obama triggered a sales surge immediately prior to his election in November 2008. As has been widely reported, rifles--both traditional and "assault" accounted for most of the growth area Ruger rode the wave. According to Ruger's 2009 10-k SEC filing, rifles racked up some $102.2 million, $69.4 million, and $64.9 million worth of sales in 2009, 2008 and 2007 respectively. And no wonder. Ruger makes some lovely "tactical" weapons: the M77 Hawkeye and the Mini-14 spring to mind.

“You don’t put it down, we’re going to kill you”

Forget about trigger-happy cops for a moment. Let's talk about law enforcement's reluctance to use deadly force (a.k.a. restraint). And poor marksmanship. And stopping power, or lack thereof. A debate brought to you by...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Sandy Tucker

OK, so who "owns" a gun? The person who bought it, obviously. Only maybe not. At the risk of going all Eddy the Eagle (the NRA character, not the UK ski jumper), we must...

Editorial: Pop Culture and Guns in “Couples Retreat”

Rented the movie "Couples Retreat" a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, not much more than a mediocre film (maybe two stars, max.) As is the case with too many movies today, the trailer makes it...

Department of Education: Here’s Why We Need Shotguns (Pt. 2)

Earlier this month, commentator Mossberg500 (no bias there) was not happy to hear that the U.S. Department of Education was buying 27 shotguns. "Their first mistake was purchasing Remington shotguns when they could...

Show Us Your Guns

0 Please create a video showing your favorite gun or guns---demonstrating the fact that they're unloaded (as here)---and send the link to [email protected]. Best to keep it under the three minute mark. Gracias.

How to Spot a Hidden Handgun by Megan Jaegerman

View more of Ms. Jaegerman's graphic work at

What Not to Do in Chula Vista When You Don’t Want to Be Dead

0 "The guns, a Beretta shotgun and a Sig. Sauer 9 mm duty weapon, and ammunition had been locked in the trunk of a 2005 Honda Accord that was reported stolen March 17...

Dirty Harry…Eat Your Heart Out.

Back when I knew nothing about handguns (except from what i picked up at the movies and on TV) I loved the Dirty Harry flicks. I can't tell you how many times my classmates...

Ruger CEO Calls for Trade War

“I’m calling for a tit-for-tat policy. If the number one and number two handguns in America are from European countries that totally prohibit U.S.-made handguns, then we should reciprocate. We will...

Hunters: Get Ready for Simulated Randomized Animal Spawn Points

Griffin Technology is already hyping its new game "Bass Pro Shops: The Hunt." According to the press release, "players will explore ten diverse North American hunting locations. Each map features unique animals,...

What if handguns were HAND-guns?

0 The imaginative folks over at H2 ask the rhetorical question, "what if handguns were hand-guns?" I'm also thinking how cool it would have been, if I could have gotten my hands to do that...