The Truth About the Truth About Guns

Oh, hi there! Well, will you look at that? What the hell am I doing here on TTAG? My goodness, if you would have told me a year ago that I’d be writing an...

Announcing the TTAG Reader Gun Review Contest

The Truth About Guns prides itself on telling the truth about guns. If a gun is good, we say so. If it's a dog, we let loose the dogs of war. We understand that these...

Happy New Year From TTAG


TTAG Editors Choice Best New Firearm of 2016: Ruger Mark IV

I typically object to companies making minor tweaks to their products and calling the result a "new" gun. In this case though, Ruger gets a pass. Their line of rimfire semi-auto handguns is legendary, often...
Freedom Munitions TTAG Banner

Support TTAG…Buy More Ammo!

As we've seen in the results of our recent reader survey, lots of you would like to support TTAG in ways other than wading through a lot of on-screen advertising. That's an sentiment we...
happy new year champagne gun

Happy New Year From The Truth About Guns

As we approach The Truth About Guns' 10th anniversary early next year, we've passed some noteworthy milestones. We passed the two million comments mark within the last sixty days. We also just had our...

TTAG Welcomes Washington Times Readers

The Washington Times has just published my editorial Racist pols go straight back to disarming blacks. The piece excoriates the Supreme Court for failing to fully restore African Americans' Second Amendment right to bear...

GunsAmerica to Gun Bloggers: We Love You (But You Suck)

GunsAmerica is an a highly successful firearms sales site run by a fellow member of the tribes named Paul Shlomo Helinski . Helinski recently gave SHOT Show gun bloggers hell, basically running down the...

Housekeeping: Malware Mea Culpa

We still don't know exactly what caused the malware misegos that bedeviled your browsers. We reckon malicious code buried in our ads was the culprit. As you can see, we've killed all but...

VOTE NOW: TTAG’s 2015 Reader’s Choice Awards

Every year around this time, the editors of the various firearms related publications retreat to their respective back rooms to count their receipts and determine which companies paid them the most money. I mean...which products...
The Truth About Guns new logo

Housekeeping: New TTAG Design Up and Running! Feedback Please . . .

  Good morning! As you may have noticed, we've refreshed The Truth About Guns look and feel. Our designers and programmers have worked diligently and assiduously to ensure an improved user experience. I hope you...

TTAG Reader Survey Results: You Have Spoken

We asked for it, and we got it. Almost 2,000 of you -- the most knowledgable, opinionated readership in the gunblogosphere -- weighed in when we asked for your opinions in our annual reader...