Housekeeping: Is TTAG Hurting Gun Rights?

  "I’m really wondering about the purpose of this blog lately," a commentator opined underneath an Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day post on our old pal FPS Russia. "Granted, I just came on board...

TTAG’s New “Gun Facts” Section

Some of you may have noticed that we've sprouted a new page link up top. The fact of the matter is that we've produced so many articles refuting various and sundry lies and disinformation...

TTAG Heads to Houston for NRA Annual Meeting

We here at TTAG have always brought you the best and most complete coverage of the major trade shows and events in the firearms world, and we'll be continuing that tradition this weekend. The...

Housekeeping: Introducing Frank Williams, Editor

Lately, it's been a case of bury my inbox at Wounded Knee. In other words, I've been overwhelmed with incoming emails. So I've hired Frank Williams as TTAG's Editor. Frank's the former Managing Editor...

Introducing New TTAG Feature: Free Fire Zone (Forum)

A month or so after The Truth About Guns was born, fellow blogger Brad Kozak sent me a breathless email. We'd finally received a comment! What's more, it was complimentary. They like us! The...

Housekeeping: A Few Words About Spam

A ton of Armed Intelligentisians have already found the new Free Fire Zone, TTAG's forum where you can talk about whatever you want with like-minded (or not) individuals. And you may have noticed that...

2013 TTAG Reader Survey: Take it Now! Win a Book!

We did our first reader survey last year and it gave us a ton of great information that we used to inform the kinds of articles we publish and how we run the site. Now,...

Reminder: Take the 2013 TTAG Reader Survey! Win a Book!

We posted this survey on Monday night and within about five hours we had enough responses to constitute a statistically representative sample of our readers. But that's not good enough for me -- I...

Housekeeping: Disqus Diss Deals Death Blow to Deployment

After listening to readers' warnings, complaints and kvetches about the Disqus commenting system we've decided not to implement the solution with our new theme. In other words, we spiked the idea. Nick will opt...

Housekeeping: TTAG’s New Look

Hey night owls, I'm about to start messing with the site theme. You may experience some issues for the next hour, but at the end you should have a nice new theme to play...

Housekeeping: And . . . We’re Back! Ish.

No, it wasn't your computer that prevented you from accessing The Truth About Guns over the last day or so. Or a DNS attack. Or the NSA. In fact, TTAG's recently taken measures to...

Housekeeping: WordPress Valet [Not Shown] Working on TTAG Fixes

Thanks to the voluminous and detailed responses we got to our post asking for the site-related problems some of you have been experiencing 'round these parts, we have some of the best minds beavering...