TTAG Will Never Publish “Sponsored Comments”

  When I started The Truth About Cars (TTAC), car reviews were nothing more than glossy puff pieces. As automobiles are the average American's second largest purchase (after their house), I thought there would be...

Now Available on TTAG’s Podcast: Episode 1

I just finished recording and editing a conversation between myself and Tyler Kee. It was the standard stuff we talk about whenever we see each other -- guns mainly -- but since it keeps...

The Truth About TTAG: Q2 2012

Every quarter I like to give you guys a little update as to how we're doing -- by "us" I of course mean TTAG and by "doing" I mean how our traffic looks. By...

TTAG the Podcast: Now Live!

Here at TTAG we're always looking for new ways to keep the Armed Intelligentsia entertained and informed. In my opinion, text is the perfect medium, but then again my idea of the perfect day...

TTAG is Over 9,000!

15 I tried to resist. I really did. But it was impossible. Yesterday's post about Holder and his contempt of congress (see what I did there?) was our nine thousandth post here on these interwebs....

Meanwhile, Back in the WordPress Comment System…

If you've looked at a post or tried to comment in the last few minutes, you've noticed that we're rolling things back to the tried and (kinda) true WordPress comment system. In response to...

TTAG Welcomes ZippyKid and Vice Versa

Hi Everyone, I'm Vid Luther, CEO and Founder of ZippyKid. We're the new hosting company for TTAG. We're a managed WordPress hosting company; we specialize in hosting sites that use WordPress. Over the weekend, you...

Editing Comments (Or Not). The Saga Continues . . .

Providing TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia with the ability to edit their comments continues to elude us. I'm in contact with the company that develops the WordPress plugin we utilize for comment editing. Over the past...

TTAG Back on the Rack

Thanks to our man Malenshek's midnight ministrations, TTAG is back on the Rack. Our return to Rackspace should fix a multitude of problems that bedeviled our commenting system, a self-inflicted wound for which I...

You Choose the Blog

I've had a pretty good run today at the NRA Annual Meeting.  Met some great folks, had some laughs, abused me some fellow bloggers.  Still, I can't help but feel like I should give...

New York “Cop-Killer” Bullet Correction and Amplification

We posted a piece Saturday on the ominous re-appearance of (cue scary music) "cop-killer" bullets in New York. It will probably come as an Earth-shattering, illusion-destroying revelation, but you need to hear the truth...

The Truth About TTAG: Q1 2012

Since we still don't have enough advertisers to keep the lights on without RF having to dig into his own pockets, it's time again to toot our own horn about how awesome we are...