Watch Live: TTAG Week in Review (9 PM CST)

[youtube] TTAG's top brass will be discussing the week's big stories in a live video chat tonight at 9 PM. Tune in right here to watch it live, or stop by later for the...

Farago to Debate Former Gang Banger on Gun Control

83 I had it in my hand: a video of the gun control debate between myself and Dr. Arthur Romano  at Penn State. And then Dr. Romano was all like "I get to see it first and...

TTAG Ammo Contest Winner: Tom in Oregon

Matt in FL was kind/bored enough to keep track of all the entries in our How Much Did RF Pay for His Ammo? contest. And the winner is . . . Tom in Oregon....

Housekeeping: Should TTAG Republish CATO Institute’s National Police Misconduct Recap?

  TTAG's been publishing material critical of police on a regular basis---when they deserve it. Which, it must be said, they often do. To substantiate that claim, Ralph has been directing readers to the CATO...

Housekeeping: TTAG Adds Optional SSL Encryption

To say that RF isn't technologically savvy is like saying an orangutan is slightly deficient when it comes to high energy physics. They're both well meaning and eager to learn (especially if bananas/Israeli supermodels...

TTAG Reader’s Choice Awards 2013 [Make the Jump to Vote]

This is the time of year that firearms publications award their "Best of 2013" prizes, recognizing the gun companies that gave them the most money made the best products. While TTAG shares our colleagues' desire...

TTAG’s Top Articles of 2013

Now that 2013 is officially in the rear view mirror, we can take a moment to reflect on the turd sandwich that was last year. It started off on an awful foot, the ripples...

Housekeeping: Team Taurus Shooter Jessie Duff to Blog for TTAG. In Theory

Star Wars fans know the score: "Do. Or do not. There is no 'try'." So when Team Taurus shooter Jessie Duff says she'll try to blog for TTAG on a weekly basis, and underscores...

Housekeeping: TTAG Crests 2m Unique Readers Per Month

This Saturday, while I was out shooting with three members of the Young clan, The Truth About Guns quietly passed an important milestone: two million unique readers per month. To put that in...

CORRECTION: TTAG Not More Popular Than NRA’s American Rifleman. Yet.

In the post marking the fact that TTAG crested 2m unique viewers per month, I claimed that we had more readers than the American Rifleman. Turns out I was crunching old data. Inflicting upon...

Housekeeping: Mobile Site Issues

We, the employees of TTAG, are writers -- not programmers. I'm the exception, since I'm an incurable nerd and hold down an IT job to pay the bills. But even that gives me only...

The Truth About TTAG: 2014 Q1

The time has come once again to justify to advertisers, gun companies, and the mainstream media why we (TTAG) matter. All those three constituencies care about is how many eyeballs we can bring to...