Retraction: TTAG Published Picture of the Wrong Ivan Lopez

Last night TTAG received a link to an image in the Fort Hood News of a soldier named Ivan Lopez. We published that picture assuming it was the Fort Hood shooter. After receiving emails...

Housekeeping: Once Again, Why TTAG Deletes Flames Against Antis

Once upon a time a derogatory comment on TTAG re: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America jefe Shannon Watts (above right) showed up on a mainstream antis' website. Dan and I quickly...

It’s Official – TTAG is More Popular than Moms Demand Action

We've known it for ages, but it's nice to finally have the numbers to back up the claim. By the time this posts, TTAG's Facebook page will officially have more "likes" than Moms Demand...

TTAG Content Contest: Win a Free SIG SAUER P320!

There are three ways TTAG finds new voices to write for the site. The most common method: Farago sees something they've posted elsewhere and poaches them -- that's how I got here, at least. The second...

P320 Contest Update: Y’all Just Doubled Your Chances

The fine folks at SIG SAUER read TTAG. Well, at least they read the articles we publish relating to their products, and they've been following the TTAG P320 content contest very closely. So far...

Housekeeping: Should TTAG Buy a Phantom V1610 High Speed Camera?

85 Slow motion video of bullets exiting guns and hitting stuff? Priceless. Well, not really. The Phantom V1610 High-Speed Camera goes for $100k (not including case and accessories). I'd love to have that kind of...

Housekeeping: TTAG Reader Survey Needs You! Yes YOU!

Nick's at SIG this week doing SIGGY things. He'll start crunching the numbers on TTAG's annual reader survey when returns. Meanwhile, Mr. Leghorn's asked me to "pimp" for more responses. Forgoing my Huggy Bear imitation,...

Housekeeping: Last Chance for the TTAG Survey [CLOSED!]

Today is the last day to fill out the TTAG reader survey. We already have enough responses to be statistically significant, but just like any good statistician more responses can only mean good things....

TTAG Reaches New Page View Milestone

In days gone by, TTAG's biggest readership days always happened during the SHOT Show. It was like clockwork. Members of the Armed Intelligentsia huddled around their screens, wearing out their F5 keys for the...

Question of the Day: Should TTAG Reviews Use Laser Accuracy Testing?

Accuracy testing is an important part of any firearms review. For pistol testing I have historically employed a sandbag rest, which makes for a pretty stable platform. However, it's still up to me to...

Housekeeping: About Those #@?&! Redirects

Those of you who join us via a mobile device - either phone or tablet - may have suffered the indignity of having your browser hijacked and redirected to the Apple Store or some...

The Truth About TTAG: 2014 Q3

Statistical trends being what they are, for the second quarter in a row, we seem to be experiencing a "regression to the mean" situation. Over the winter of 2013/2014, there was quite a bit...