Team SAR competition

Buy a Rifle Raffle Ticket Right Here, Right Now!

Team Some Assembly Required is a non-profit organization that helps amputees stay healthy and engaged through competitive sports. Founded by veterans, Team SAR's athletes and supporters are dedicated to the growth and expansion of...
Robert Farago and friend (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

TTAG Changes Ownership: Housekeeping

You may have noticed that my byline's disappeared from The Truth About Guns. There's a reason for that . . . Last week, after more than eight years of blogging, after writing more than eight...

TTAG Crests 2m Page Views

I just got off the phone with Chris Dumm. The criminal defense attorney and TTAG scribe was worried that his ArmaLite M15 review wasn't getting much traffic. I told him to chill. While I...

Retraction: George Mason University’s Freedom Index is Anti-Gun [Not Necessarily]

Here at TTAG, we like to think we get things right most of the time. The rest of the time our readers correct us, and we make every effort to fix the issue in a timely...

New Page: TTAG 2011 Holiday Firearms Gift Guides

In an effort to give you readers one convenient place to point your clueless non-shooter friends and family for ideas of what to get you for the holidays we've created a new page on...

New York “Cop-Killer” Bullet Correction and Amplification

We posted a piece Saturday on the ominous re-appearance of (cue scary music) "cop-killer" bullets in New York. It will probably come as an Earth-shattering, illusion-destroying revelation, but you need to hear the truth...

Housekeeping: What Do You Want To See on TTAG?

  TTAG set a record yesterday. Thanks in part to Nick's post on the New York City cops' equipment and training, the world's most popular firearms blog (that's us) generated its highest ever number of daily...

UPDATE Keeping Our Powder Dry: The Strange Case of David Lewis

101 "The NYS SAFE Act is billed as a necessary law to protect the public and keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people," reports. "But Hamburg attorney Jim Tresmond says his...

[UPDATE] RF to Appear on CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper at 4pm EST...

Just got word from the producer at CNN that the segment has been canceled due to the breaking news out of the Philippines about the Super Typhoon... The phone rings and who should...

Housekeeping: TTAG Turns Four

  The Truth About Guns passed the four-year mark on February 17. I guess I was a bit busy, what with writing posts, working on the Texas International Firearms Festival, taking care of my daughter...

Housekeeping: Is Turnabout Fair Play?

The above comment hails from the Campaign to Stop Gun Violence's Facebook page. Obviously, the average gun control advocate isn't this blood-thirsty. Right? Clearly, the majority of people in favor of civilian disarmament don't truck with this "extreme" view, that...

TTAG 2014 Reader’s Choice Award, Best New Optic: Aimpoint Micro T-2

Last year, Trijicon won our coveted TTAG Reader's Choice Awards for their 300 BLK ACOG. This year Aimpoint's taking home the proverbial optical bacon for their Aimpoint Micro T-2. As the press release points...