Wanted: TTAG Facebook Mastermind

If you've visited our Facebook page lately, you know the problem. It's been sadly neglected. What with gun reviews, IGOTDs, ATF Death Watches and the occasional snarky post, we haven't had the bandwidth to...

FNS Content Contest: And the (Second) Winner Is…

  The suspense is finally over. The time has come to announce the second (and final) winner in our TTAG FNS-9 giveaway. If you've been following along, you know that we've had a lot of...

Housekeeping: Anyone Got a Remington 870 in the Austin Area?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xJDIe6eUsA We've been given access to some radical self-defense ammo specifically engineered for shotguns. Well, a shotgun. The Remington 870. According to our man Potterfield, it's "top of the class" for stopping power. Then again,...

Listen Live: TTAG’s Nick Leghorn Talking Guns with Kate Krueger

In about a half an hour (2:10 PM Central), I'll be on the air in Phoenix thanks to Kate Kreuger's weekly radio show. We'll be gabbing about the latest guns and gear, and possibly...

Housekeeping: Take the 2014 TTAG Reader Survey!

As the second quarter of 2014 comes to a close, I think its time to once again see if we (TTAG) are actually doing a good job. Sure our stats are amazing as always,...

Comments Stuck in Moderation: Housekeeping

Some of you may have noticed that your comments aren't published immediately. I'd like to tell you why Word Press puts some comments in moderation and lets other slip through. I can't. I don't...

No, TTAG Won’t Be Apologizing For Our Op-Eds Or Firing Our Writers

Earlier this week, we ran a post by Jennifer Sensiba regarding Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Jennifer has no quarrel at all with Rep. Greene's support for Second Amendment rights. Why would she? Greene...

That’s a Dozen, Cousin…TTAG is 12 Years Old Today

The truth about guns is that the fight to defend the right to purchase own, carry and use them never ends. That's because America a dedicated, well-financed industry of lobbyists, advocates, and zealots whose...
man reading computer phone

TTAG’s 5 Most-Read Posts of 2022

I think there's some kind of law requiring every publisher of any kind to do some kind of lame end-of-the-year post looking back on the last 12 months. We try to avoid complying with...

Moving On

A quick search of TTAG's library of just under 49,000 published posts shows that my first article here went up back in April of 2011. It was about the first-term hire of a "gun...