TTAG Discounts at Lucky Gunner

Lucky Gunner's marketing maven has been working hard to figure out ways to keep his company's goods and services at the forefront of our Armed Intelligentsia's razor sharp collective mind. We now have a...

ArmaLite Joins TTAG as Advertiser

1 You may have noticed our new Armalite Tweet widget. If not, please do. (It's in the right hand column, below our list of reviews.) I developed the feature to give our new advertiser ArmaLite...

TTAG Is “A” Lucky Gunner, Not “The” Lucky Gunner

You may have noticed---and how could you not---that we've landed our first major advertiser: Our main man Kozak is hard at work making the Lucky Gunner ad look like an ad, rather than...

TTAG Ends January with 165,560 Unique Visitors

When I started TTAG last February, I set a goal: 100,000 unique visitors per month by the January 2011 SHOT show. I'm delighted to report that we hit that mark, and then some. After...

Help Us Create TTAG’s FIrst Annual Awards Thingie

TTAG shoots from the hip. Maybe that's why we recently crested 120k unique visitors per month. It also explains the next step in the site's gratifyingly rapid evolution: TTAG awards. We're looking to create an...

“A Deer with a Death Wish”

Keep pace with TTAG's frenetic posting pace---over ten posts per day. Click on the "Follow Me" widget on the left and sign-up for our Twitter feed. Every new post we post Tweets. Every YouTube...

TTAG upgrades – Editing Your Comments (Yourself)

We love TTAG's Armed Intelligentsia. We love it even more when you feel moved to comment on something you read---as long as you avoid flaming. But in the big-league, razzle-dazzle, live-on-the-razor's edge, take-your-life-in-your-hands world...

A Note to Our Readers

You may have noticed that TTAG's focused all but one of its most recent posts on the Gabrielle Giffords shooting. I've done this out of respect to those affected by the tragedy, as a...

TTAG Passes One Million Page Views

When I started The Truth About Guns (TTAG) in mid-February 2010, I pledged no punches pulled and set a goal: 100 thousand unique visitors per month by the January 2011 SHOT show. It was...

Merry Christmas from TTAG

1 As a peace-loving gun blogger, I've decided not to post anything violent on this most sacred of holidays. Actually, the above video has its moments and Easter is the more significant event in...

TTAG Taking Off

As you can see, The Truth About Guns is off to a fine start. We're heading over to the SHOT show in Vegas in January to monetize this bad boy with display ads. The...

Ruger: TTAG Cleaning Made SR40 Trigger Gritty

8 Just got an email from Ruger. The gunmaker's spinmeisters took a gander at our review and had this to say about that: "You are not doing viewers any favors by telling them to strip...