. . . And We’re Back!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1bFr2SWP1I Well, it's been a fun 24 hours. Between a supposedly no-brainer upgrade that was anything BUT, personal issues with seemingly everybody in my family getting sick at one time, and my day job on...

Kozak Upgrades TTAG’s WordPress Software

When I asked TTAG scribe, webmaster and gun-slinger Brad Kozak why we needed to upgrade to the latest version of WordPress, he said that a failure to do so could result in a hacking...

Firearms: The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xujy3TvhTdk My family is gathering for my father's memorial service. Once again, my blood relatives and their relations are treating me with disinterest, distrust and distaste. At 50 years of age, I can let that...

TTAG Welcomes Brett Solomon

The Truth About Guns went live on February 17th of this year. Since then, we've published 1,245 posts. Site traffic has risen from zero to over 2000 unique views per day. So far, we've...

The Truth About Guns: Retraction

In a previous blog item, I called into question the veracity of the facts in an article printed in The Daily Helmsman. I suggested that the author, Olivia Inkster, had fabricated quotes from a...

TTAG Goes West

As part of this website's ongoing evolution, I'm heading out to Colorado to investigate the possibilities of relocating TTAG to The Centennial State. More specifically, that bastion of liberal thought, Boulder; where I'm looking...

The Truth About Guns Clocks 18k+ Visits in its First Full Month

After creating, selling and leaving The Truth About Cars, I thought I'd never find a subject that would engage me as fully as all things automotive. Boy, was I wrong. The Truth About Guns...

Wii Top Shot Gun Controller and 2010 Big Game Hunter Combo. It’s Perfect!

If you are of a literary bent (whether or not you're bent in the British sense of the word), you can spot fake reviews with ease. They read exactly like ad copy. 'Cause they're...

Show Us Your Guns

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqLcj1GTM_s Please create a video showing your favorite gun or guns---demonstrating the fact that they're unloaded (as here)---and send the link to [email protected]. Best to keep it under the three minute mark. Gracias.

And . . . We’re Back

We returned to base to discover that a tree took out our power line and, thus Internet. (You don't want to know what the 'frig looked like). We now return you to your regular...

TTAG’s Hiring: Videogame Reviewer

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gys6zuzmH4I The Truth About Guns (TTAG) is looking for a videogame reviewer. A talented writer who can describe and rate the gameplay and the accuracy of the weapons and strategies of any game involving, wait...

Did TTAG Make a Bad Call on Normal Clinton Hale?

In a previous post, I labeled hunter Norman Clinton Hale our "Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day" for shooting a game warden and pilot with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. While this website...