Housekeeping: New TTAG Website

Regular readers may have noticed that TTAG attempted to launch a new website this morning. Yeah, well, we pulled it down to fix a few key issues. With a bit of luck we'll give...

Housekeeping: TTAG’s Posting Policy

TTAG's posting police: no flaming the website, its authors or fellow commentators. This policy is designed to prevent the comments section from diverging from the topic at hand. And to keep our comments section...

Housekeeping: Letter from the Publisher Re: New Site and TTAG Emails

TTAG will have a brand new website soon. Same basic blog format and comment functionality, only cleaner, faster and shinier. While we regularly update our site to keep up with the internet gestalt, our readers...

2016 TTAG Reader Demographics Survey Results

Every so often we like to take a survey of our readers. Not only does it let us know if we're doing a good job (and identify areas we can improve upon), but it also...

Housekeeping: Start Taking Father Pics for June Gun Giveaway!

13 I was kinda hoping this would be an instructional video on how to make a Gummy NERF gun. It isn't. It's a simple celebration of fatherhood. And guns! And an accent that's totes adorbs. With Father's...

A Word From the Editor – Dan the Torpedos, Full Speed Ahead!

Dear Readers (and anti-gunner lurkers looking for prngomeone to SWAT), Welcome to the first weekly post designed to keep you up-to-date on TTAG's past, present and future. As the site's Managing Editor, I've been tasked with clueing you in...

Housekeeping: How Should TTAG Address the Challenge of Ad Blockers?

Last month, Google announced that they will enable ad blocking software for Samsung smart phones. Google will soon only scrape one ad from linked sites. Same deal for Facebook. Meanwhile, surfers are turning to ad...

TTAG Reader Needs Your Help Finding “Lost” .45

TTAG reader RF writes: I have tried everything I can think of to find a family heirloom. Here's how it goes. My brother & I bought guns & shared them when we were young. I joined...

Two Spaces Left for TTAG Training Meet-Up (Liberty Hill, TX This Saturday)

This Saturday, Dan, myself, my main squeeze and a gaggle of TTAG readers will gather at Best of the West Shooting Sports in Liberty Hill Texas (home of the 2016 Texas Firearms Festival) for...

TTAG Meet-Up at Atlas Self-Defense Course: ‘Real Guns, Real Bullets, Real People’ [March 26,...

13 Atlas Self-Defense is a Texas-based training company with a difference: mirrors. More technically, a patent-pending VIKN reflective targeting system. Under expert supervision, students shoot their gun at a reflective image of role-playing bad guys. It's...intense. We're inviting ten TTAG...

TTAG Reader Survey Winners Are…

The response to this year's TTAG reader survey was nothing less than torrential. More than 6k readers filled-out Nick's online questionnaire. Josiah Beresford of Washington State won a box-fresh GLOCK 19 for his participation. Pete Miller of North Carolina will...

Complete TTAG’s Annual Reader Survey and You’re Automatically Entered to Win a GLOCK 19

The Truth About Guns is the world's largest firearms related publication. Our articles are read by roughly three million people all over the world every single month. We like to think we have a...