Hunting at Maximum Point Blank Range (MPBR)
My story on shot placement seems to have stirred up a bit of thought provoking conversation about where a speedy bullet should go. Those opposed to my stance on neck shots cite the fact...
Duck Population Crests 45 Million. And?
You can shoot them. Not all of them, obviously. And only when they're in season---and the duck poses an imminent threat of not being shot by you, and imminence is imminent. According to the...
Stealth Vision Hats: Blink and You Miss It. Some of You People Just About...
"A deer can detect a perfectly camouflaged hunter simply by his eye movement," informs. That's f'ed up.
How Accurate Does Your Hunting Gun Need to Be?
An ethical hunter's primary responsibility: ensure that he...
Not A Scout Rifle: The Mossberg MVP
Jeff Cooper was very specific about what a 'Scout Rifle' should be: 7.62mm or larger in caliber, 39 inches or less in length, and no more than 6.5 pounds empty with a forward-mounted scope....
Gun Tweet of the Day: “Outdoor writer and TV personality J. Guthrie with a...
Shooting a prairie dog with a Savage rifle equipped with a Nightforce NXS 5.5-22x50 scope firing Hornady 338 Lapua 250 gr BTHP cartridge is the dictionary definition of overkill---even at 789 yards. That is...
Hey Glock Guy! What Did That Snake Ever Do To You?
I've got nothing against killing animals per se. I eat meat. I wear leather shoes. I practice shooting my Remington 700 SPS and whispering for my debut on the Outdoor Channel. But I also...
NJ Hunters 592, Black Bears Zero
After bears became something more than lovable pick-i-nick basket thieves, the Garden State decided to create a bear hunting season. After a little bit of what the Brits call argy-bargy from the anti-hunting crowd,...
Would Ted Nugent Shoot Fish in a Barrel Too?
Robert Farago clearly hit a hot button with his assessment of Ted Nugent's mental state. I have little respect...