The SE Cupp Interview
Author. Conservative Thinker and Commentator. Atheist who nonetheless decries the Mainstream Media's treatment of Christianity. Talk show host. Hunter. All these words and more describe the vivacious, articulate, stunning SE Cupp, the woman who proves,...
Alaska Moves to Make pre-1964 Winchester Model 70 .30-06 Rifle Official State Firearm
A less famous Wasilla Republican has introduced a bill naming the pre-1964 Winchester Model 70 .30-06 caliber rifle as Alaska's official firearm. According to the AP, Senator Charlie Huggins reckons the pre-Kennedy assassination-era Winchester best embodies,...
Top Firearms-Related Brands Revealed
The National Shooting Sports Federation dishes the dirt on market share (thanks to for the formatting):
• Top rifle brand: Remington (17.5 percent of all purchases)
• Top shotgun brand: Remington and Mossberg (virtual tie with 21.5 percent of all purchases)
• Top muzzleloader...
“It is nearly impossible to sneak up on a turkey”
However, it IS possible to sneak up on a hunter hunting turkeys. Especially if you're mistaking his turkey call for a turkey's turkey call. What might happen next does nothing good for anyone, including...
Question of the Day: Is Hunting the Key to the Conservation?
This video, posted at, singularly fails to mention the role that hunting has played, is playing and will play in the return of Big Horn Sheep to The Lone Star State. (Not to...
Michigan Hunting Accidents ’10: Here’s What DID Go Wrong
Hunting is dangerous. While the animals looking at the business end of a firearms face the greatest peril, the two-legged mammals wielding the weapons sometimes come a cropper. In other words, oops. The Michigan...
“Hunters are also not allowed to discharge a firearm in any manner that exposes...
Did you know that the millions of buffalo roaming the West when white settlers arrived (to shoot them to near extinction) were an anomaly? According to the book 1491, the plagues unleashed by explorer Hernando...
Now THAT’s What I’m Talking About
I say this without any irony: it warms my heart to hear this kind of talk out in the marshes. God bless America.
“A Deer with a Death Wish”
Keep pace with TTAG's frenetic posting pace---over ten posts per day. Click on the "Follow Me" widget on the left and sign-up for our Twitter feed. Every new post we post Tweets. Every YouTube...
Question of the Day: Do You Hunt?
If so, when, where, with what and why?
My Name is Ted Nugent and I Approve of this Hunting Method
According to, you're looking at three Benelli shotguns linked to a webcam in a system that "allows the guns to be fired via an internet connection." But wait! There's more! "A second, identical...
Hendrick Eister Rescues DeBeers Botswana CEO from Lion’s Jaws [Not Shown]
As you can see from the video above, killing a lion is not so easy, Mr. Bond. As former minister and current DeBeers CEO Neo Moroka recently learned whilst hunting a big cat down...