If Shooting Turkeys Was Easy, Everyone Would Be Doing It. Right?
To paraphrase my favorite line in any B52's song, WELL IT ISN'T! And remember: we're just talking about the difficulty of actually shooting the bird. Not the difficulty of convincing her indoors that you...
ArmaLite Selling Ar-50A1 Rifle “By The Truckload”
Armalite has news for aspiring owners of the Ar-50A1 rifle: the price of the weapon is . . . staying the same. Credit (or blame depending on your perspective) that whole supply and demand...
Review: “The Hunted”
I thought Avatar was an incredibly silly movie. Why weren't any of the blue people fat? And I don't care how imperialistic, amoral and greedy humans are, when you get right down to it,...
A Turkey Hunting Grammar Primer
In case you didn't know it, the turkey hunting season is upon us. In Oklahoma, turkeys are fair game on April 6. Bixbybulletin.com wants its readers to know that everything's Jake. To that end,...
Hunters: Get Ready for Simulated Randomized Animal Spawn Points
Griffin Technology is already hyping its new game "Bass Pro Shops: The Hunt." According to the press release, "players will explore ten diverse North American hunting locations. Each map features unique animals,...
Crashing Boar
From The Daily Mail:
Armed police had to gun down a wild boar that broke into the offices in Hamburg when a herd of the animals went on the rampage in the city's ...
Shawn Clark: Parents Should Decide When Kids are Ready for Guns
Sport shooting scribe Shawn Clark popped-up on TTAG's radar with his column about shooting hogs with Ted Nugent, wrestler Dusty Rhodes and an NRA official (I swear didn't make that up). As I said...
Colorado University Alows Nerf Guns For Zombie Hunt
Boulder Colorado is one of America's best cities. Disclaimer: this writer is moving there. Well, I was, before I learned that zombies lurk inside Colorado University's engineering building. And I am again, now that...
Poacher of “Largest Eight-Pointer Ever Measured” Pleads Out
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) licensed Troy Alan Reinke to shoot one deer with a bow and arrow. Instead, Reinke shot three deer with a rifle, including what could well be...
Hunting with Ted Nugent: As Surreal as it Gets??
You wait all day for a hunting story and BAM! Two come along at once. This time, we're talking about a truly unique (as opposed to somewhat unique) piece of sports writing: The Shawn...
Minnesota Mulls Special Deer Hunting Season for 10 to 17-Year-Olds
According to the startribune.com, The Gopher State is not lacking for hunters. The paper claims that Minnesota is home to 500 thousand Bambi killers (someone should have warned me). According to Wikipedia, The Land...
Question of the Day: Are Women Better Hunters Than Men?
Women hunt, too. And this is news because . . . ? Because it isn't. But why let a little thing like a worn story line and a lack of hard data on the...