Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Brooklyn Correction Officer John Santiago [Not Shown]

"City probers are investigating a correction officer who suffered a gunshot wound to the leg when his service weapon accidentally discharged inside a Brooklyn jail," reports. "Correction Officer John Santiago inadvertently fired a...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Galen Hawk

14 My name is Robert Farago and I approve of this animated recreation of the Lonato Moran-Allen's manslaughter at the hands of gun owner Galen Hawk. I reckon it's not enough to know that a...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unnamed PA State Police Firearms Instructor

"Trooper David Kedra was shot in the chest during a training exercise at the Montgomery County Public Safety Training Complex on the 1100 block of Conshohocken Road around 4:45 p.m.", reports. "Sources say...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: George Byrd IV

"A man accused of firing a bullet that broke a neighbor's window says he fired the gun because he knew of no other way to unload it," reports. "After the shooting on Friday...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Michael Yatsko

"A St. Cloud man was arrested Wednesday after he handed his son a gun and told him to kill himself when the boy talked about committing suicide," reports. "Michael Yatsko, 44, allegedly put...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Eric Stayton

Chaires, Florida is about as idyllic a piece of country heaven as you could ask for. Horse farms and swampy woodlands within driving distance of Tallahassee. Land is pretty cheap there, too if you're looking...

Passively Constructed Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day Story: Pocket Carry Edition

"Clay (County) Sgt. Matthew Magish was off duty and standing in line with his son and the boy’s maternal grandparents at the front counter inside Wendy’s, 2530 Blanding Blvd., when the accident occurred...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Soy Sauce Edition

"A Chinese restaurant worker pulled a gun on a teen customer after he asked for more soy sauce," reports. "Allan Lin, 40, allegedly yelled frantically after 19-year-old Munjed Milhem demanded more of...

Irresponsible Gun Owners of the Day: Every Single Person in This Video

There are some people who say the American gun culture is out of control, that gun owners are trigger-happy buffoons who don't care for the safety of others and act with reckless disregard for...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Me…Sort Of

46 All in good fun. Trying to avoid "spoilers" if you haven't watched the video already, I'll just say that I did a bit of safe, controlled (remote) testing before filming the video and made my...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Olmsted County, MN County Sheriff’s Office Sgt....

"The Olmsted County Sheriff's Office said Sgt. Jon Jacobson , 40, was conducting a training exercise Thursday about 8:45 a.m. at the Regional Public Safety Training Center at 2116 Campus Drive Southeast,"

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Eric Zyzanski

Sadly, there's no shortage of photos on the intertubes of people who think snapping a selfie for Facebook while they hold a handgun to their own head is the height of hilarity. Sometimes those...