NYPD Sergeant Fires 3 Rounds in a 5 a.m. Bar Fight, Misses All His...
It looks like NYPD will have an opening soon. One Queens karaoke bar regular, a New York police sergeant in his day job, involved himself in a dispute with fellow patrons at 5a.m. Monday...
LA County Sheriff’s Department Investigating Deputy’s Courtroom Negligent Discharge
Remember...only highly trained law enforcement officers and members of the military are qualified to handle the responsibility of safely carrying a firearm. To wit, this story from the Associated Press . . .
A Los...
You Make the Call: Good Defensive Gun Use or Irresponsible Gun Owner of the...
A customer at a Santa Ana, California restaurant, waiting in his car for his burger and fries, looked through the drive-thru window and saw a masked man with a gun walk in and demand...
Pro Tip: Firing Your Guns Into the Air Won’t Make the Taco Bell Drive...
By Edgar Lee
A pair of budding rocket surgeons were arrested earlier this week after discharging guns from their vehicle while waiting in the drive-thru line of a Taco Bell in Portsmouth, Ohio. Local police...
Is the Tesla Cybertruck the Ultimate Hunting and Personal Protection Vehicle?
Truck Buyer: So, you're telling me I can dodge bullets?
Elon Musk: No, I'm saying that when the Cybertruck is ready, you won't have to.
(apologies to the Wachowskis, and maybe Elon, too)
In a recent interview...
Be Careful About Posting Gun Pictures Online, Especially in New York
We all know we have to be careful about what we post online. We have to be doubly careful if it involves our guns. But if it involves guns in New York City, it's...
Oregon Man Shoots Himself in the Groin After Showing Off His Carry Gun in...
The vast majority of gun owners in this country are safe and law-abiding and there are solid statistics to back that up. In a nation with over 100 million gun owners and more than...
Three Wounded in Louisville NFAC/BLM Rally Negligent Discharge [VIDEO]
Yesterday's NFAC (the Not F@cking Around Coalition)/BLM march and demonstration in Louisville featured a negligent discharge by one of the armed participants. The stray round was touched off as the group assembled in a...
South Carolina Man Arrested for Pointing a Gun At Black Lives Matter Protesters [VIDEO]
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Going out of your way to argue with and then allegedly threaten protesters with a firearm is never a good idea.
From the Associated Press:
Police in South Carolina have arrested a man...
Licensed Carrier Forfeits His Gun Rights by Drawing on a Man for Not Wearing...
Want to lose your carry license and gun rights for life? It's easy. Just pull a gun on someone because they aren't wearing a mask inside a store. That just happened to a 59-year-old...
Negligent Discharge: Man Shoots Himself While Hiking Up His Pants at the Range [VIDEO]
This range security video, from LiveLeak, originated from the central Israel city of Ramla. But it might as well have been from any shooting range here in the US of A.
It looks like some...
Gamer Live Streams a Negligent Discharge, is Booted From Twich, Soar Platforms [VIDEO]
"I swear to God I just emptied the mag!" How many times has someone who owns a semi-automatic said those words after something really bad just happened?
Watch this video of someone named Carl Reimer,...