Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Derek Mendiola

Gun guru Rob Pincus thinks open carry's a bad idea; it frightens the horses. Sheep? Whatever. I disagree. More precisely, I'm past caring. With a tsunami of gun control legislation threatening to swamp the...

Irresponsible (Flare) Gun Owner of the Day: Jorge Perez

That persistent burning sensation Jorge Perez felt in his crotch wasn't gonorrhea. If only. Instead, officers arriving at his Lehigh Acres, FL home found him with some toasty testicles as a result of a...

I Am a Gun Owner

Scott See all of the “I Am A Gun Owner” portraits here.  Please send your statement photo to [email protected] with the word PHOTO (all caps) in the subject bar. Let us know if you want us...

I Am a Gun Owner

Army Anonymous See all of the “I Am A Gun Owner” portraits here.  Please send your statement photo to [email protected] with the word PHOTO (all caps) in the subject bar. Let us know if you want...

IGOTD: Florian Graf Guckt in Seine Ungesicherte Waffe Biathlon

29 I gave up trying to pen our Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day series the moment our Managing Editor Dan Zimmerman posted his first IGOTD. My stuff was all "this is a teachable moment...

Pilot Shot While Flying on New Years

When you're flying a plane, there are a ton of things to worry about. Like airspeed, altitude, heading, fuel load and consumption rate, and keeping the plane from falling out of the sky. But...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Savannah Ramirez

What goes better together than partying and drinking all night to ring in the new year, followed by some early morning Facebook portraiture with your pal's pistol? Savannah Ramirez will be thinking about that...

Irresponsible Gun Owner(s) of the Day: Unidentified AK-Firing Chuckleheads

38 Let's move past the lack of a proper backstop and the rather reckless way the guy with an AK fired off the last round before he disappeared camera left. What made me legitimately scared...

Gun “Goes Off” and Kills 7 Year Old at Gun Store

  The Associated Press has our "Passively Constructed Firearms Story of the Day" with this gem about an unfortunate event outside a Pennsylvania gun store: A man's handgun went off while he was holding it as he...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unidentified Utah Dog Walker

  "A man was arguing with his girlfriend in a car just outside the Woodgate apartment complex at 3581 W. Cobble Ridge Drive," reports. "As the argument got more heated, a man walking his...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Robin Yount

As if to prove that the curse of the billy goat extends far beyond the friendly confines of Wrigley Field, Chicago Cubs manager Dave Sveum caught a little birdshot in his ear and back...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Valero Store Clerk

57 You work in a big city gas station. It's 3:30 a.m. Three guys try to get into your now-closed store. An argument ensues. You get into it with them through the locked door. Your...