Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Michael Dunn

Michael Dunn pulled into a Jacksonville gas station Friday evening and sat in the car while his girlfriend went inside. He was parked next to a car with four kids inside who were...

Breaking: No Retrial For IGOTD Officer Derek Carlile

Still-getting-paid-for-doing-nothing Marysville, WA police officer Derek Carlile got an early Christmas present this year. The Snohomish County Prosecuting Attorney's office announced yesterday that they will move to dismiss Carlile's manslaughter charge, after the jury...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Byron Smith

The vast majority of the defensive gun uses that occur every day in this country save innocent victims from people who would do them harm. And while there are certainly exceptions, police and prosecutors,...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: St. Joseph, MO Dad

Awww, it's such a heartwarming scene, right? Dad and Junior hauling the guns out of the safe Friday night, getting everything ready for their big weekend hunting trip. A little cleaning, a little lore...

Aspiring Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day?

Reader Beau W. forwards an email response his friend Bob received from a prospective buyer interested in a Glock 19 he's trying to unload: "I may buy it. I would do the $425 deal...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Stewart Rahr

"An elevator operator at Trump Tower claims a billionaire office tenant threatened him with a revolver after the employee refused to wait around to take him down to the lobby. Stewart Rahr , who sold...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Copper County Sporting Arms Employee

So will you be first in line at your local fun store for all the Black Friday deals tomorrow? As is always good practice, keep your head on a swivel. From "A 65-year-old...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: In Canada Guns Use You Edition

Alberta man shot in stomach by unsecured truck rifle proclaims. Wow. No wonder careful gun owners strap their firearms down or lock 'em up. Of course our neighbors to the north are hardly...

IGOTD Update: Hung Jury For Officer Derek Carlile

Officer Derek Carlile's 2nd-Degree Manslaughter trial ended with a hung jury and a mistrial yesterday. Prosecutors are deciding whether to re-try the case in January. Back in March, 2012 we ran a post on...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Two Steps Back Edition

You may have followed some of our posts on the contortions overtaking the University of Colorado-Boulder as it tries to comply with the state's supreme court ruling allowing students and others with concealed carry...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Jacob Cherry

Here's a tip for all you guys trying to get your wife or significant other more comfortable with and accepting of guns: learn the four frickin' rules. From "Police officers were dispatched the...

Retraction: IGOTD Award to Texas Defensive Shooting Academy

Earlier today, TTAG took the Texas Defensive Shooting Academy  to task in an Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day award. Our post was based on a report by re: a negligent discharge where a firearms...