Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: James Morgan

I've never had to deal with with the challenges and worries of having a daughter, and more thankful I could not be. Just too many issues and variables there compared to raising a boy....

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Something Sure Stinks Edition

"A 9-year-old girl was accidentally shot in the shoulder Saturday night by a family member who thought she was an animal outside a New Sewickley Township (Pennsylvania) home, police said." She was apparently mistaken...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Officer David Odom [Not Shown]

  "An 18-year veteran of the Nederland (Texas) Police Department is home recovering following an incident where he shot himself in the foot." That's the report from And no, that's not a metaphor. He...

Irresponsible Gun Owner(s) of the Day: The British Royal Family’s Security Detail

 The British Royal Family. Some might say "off with their heads" but I couldn't possibly comment. I will say this about that: what gives the Royals the right to enjoy the protection of round-the-clock...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unidentified NE Opossum Hunter [Not Shown]

  Quick tip: don't go target shooting without someone who can put a tourniquet around a ballistically compromised extremity and/or call the meat wagon. That said, sometimes it's just you, your gun and the bad guy....

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Jacob Cherry

Here's a tip for all you guys trying to get your wife or significant other more comfortable with and accepting of guns: learn the four frickin' rules. From "Police officers were dispatched the...

Retraction: IGOTD Award to Texas Defensive Shooting Academy

Earlier today, TTAG took the Texas Defensive Shooting Academy  to task in an Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day award. Our post was based on a report by re: a negligent discharge where a firearms...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Two Steps Back Edition

You may have followed some of our posts on the contortions overtaking the University of Colorado-Boulder as it tries to comply with the state's supreme court ruling allowing students and others with concealed carry...

IGOTD Update: Hung Jury For Officer Derek Carlile

Officer Derek Carlile's 2nd-Degree Manslaughter trial ended with a hung jury and a mistrial yesterday. Prosecutors are deciding whether to re-try the case in January. Back in March, 2012 we ran a post on...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: In Canada Guns Use You Edition

Alberta man shot in stomach by unsecured truck rifle proclaims. Wow. No wonder careful gun owners strap their firearms down or lock 'em up. Of course our neighbors to the north are hardly...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Copper County Sporting Arms Employee

So will you be first in line at your local fun store for all the Black Friday deals tomorrow? As is always good practice, keep your head on a swivel. From "A 65-year-old...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Stewart Rahr

"An elevator operator at Trump Tower claims a billionaire office tenant threatened him with a revolver after the employee refused to wait around to take him down to the lobby. Stewart Rahr , who sold...