Pippa Middleton’s Gun-Wielding Friend is (was) a Lawyer for Heckler and Koch

Ah, those crazy Frenchmen. The UK's dailymail.co.uk is reporting that our Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day on Monday turns out to be Romain Rabillard who, for the moment anyway, is a "senior adviser"...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Pippa Middleton’s Gun-Brandishing Friend

It's been a rough couple of weeks for European royalty when it comes to guns. Well, gun safety really. First, the 13-year old grandson of Spain's King Juan Carlos shoots himself in the foot...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: How Not to Win an Argument Edition

I take a back seat to no man in my desire to see President Obama replaced with a leader who will respect our constitutional rights. I think Obama is a disaster not because of...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: The Easter Bunny

Eyes AND ears people. Eyes and ears.

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Derrill Rockwell

It's no secret - certainly not around here - that the four rules of gun safety are pretty important and the reason behind each one should be fairly self-evident. But if there's one of...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Mary Ashley

In today's hectic, fast-paced world, you want your home - more than ever - to be a haven. Just like Superman, you need a fortress of solitude, a place to retreat, relax and recharge....

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Danny Way

Sometimes you have to do something that's counterintuitive to accomplish your goals in life. Kinda like fighting a forest fire, for instance. Sometimes crews will actually set another fire to stop a bigger, uncontrolled...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Daniel Garrison

Growing marijuana can be a treacherous business. While pot patches are about as common in NoCal as coals are in Newcastle, it's not quite like producing other cash crops. You don't see too many...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Patrck Etchison

Driving a cab in Macon, Georgia must leave you a lot of time for other pursuits. Even on a Saturday night it's not exactly like being a hack in a bigger city where you...

Irresponsible Gun Owner Of The Day: Unidentified Tacoma, WA Father

Here at TTAG, we really like to award the IGOTD prize to morons who do stupid things with guns, (preferably in clueless YouTube videos) and survive to learn from their experiences. Hopefully. Those almost-comic...

Irresponsible Gun Owner Of The Day: Officer Derek Carlile

It's never too early to start teaching them, but young children can't be depended upon to live by the Four Rules of gun safety. That's why responsible gun owners never leave their guns where...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: conatuslife

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZVsbNLyDlI I applaud this guy's desire to show off what "limp wristing" does to a semi-auto firearm, but this had me cringing from the second it started. It just didn't look right, like he wasn't...