Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Richard Fox

You know those four rules? The cool thing about them is, they really do work. Every time. It doesn't matter if the gun you're dealing with is a tiny .9mm peashooter or something, well,...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Bryan Drinkard

Bryan Drinkard has had what can charitably be called a checkered career in law enforcement. Or as delicately puts it, he's suffered "frequent lapses in discipline." As a result, he's moved around a...

Monday’s IGOTD Judge David Barrett Decides to Retire

We just received word that Monday's unanimous IGOTD award recipient, Judge David Barrett, has decided to retire in the wake of the controversy he created by pulling his gun in open court and pretending...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: The US Marine Corps

23 I did a stupid thing the other day: I recorded a video where I wasn't wearing eye protection. Ironically, it was part of a post urging members of Armed Intelligentsia to practice shooting without...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Judge David Barrett

Everyone knows the wheels of justice can grind slowly. Sometimes frustratingly so. And things don't always go the way you'd like them to. But that's something a judge just needs to sack up and...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: John Kavan

Every neighborhood has one: someone who takes it upon him- or herself to "keep an eye on things." Not that being seated by the window all day every day peering through the curtains is...

Irresponsble Gun Owner of the Day: Andrew Seals

There are more classes than you can shake a stick at about how to retain your gun in a struggle, but not one I've found that addresses how to go #2 without firing off...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Calvin “Skip” Smith

We've seen some tragic instances of people forgetting the check the chamber lately. In addition to other egregious rules violations, that little detail has tripped up some gun owners and cost two bystanders their...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Cornelius De Jong IV

It's been a bad week for shots accidentally fired through walls. First it was someone in a church closet showing off his gun to some curious fanboys. Now it's a guy at a party...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: NatGeo

NatGeo justifies its constant stream of freak shows by cloaking the weirdness in anthropological pretensions. Before Doomsday Preppers appeared, the narrator informed us that the series was part of the series called American Outliers. In other words,...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Moises Zambrana

Important gun fact: despite what you may read in media reports, they don't just "go off." Ever. It takes some kind of positive action to make one go bang. An action like pulling the...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Erica Rooks

We understand that it can be hard to find child care when you need it. And it ain't cheap either. Sometimes a parent has things they have to get done and being tied down...