Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Melissa Ann Ringhardt

"According to a news release from the Orange County Sheriff's Office, Ringhardt had been living in the Read family home for the past few months," reports. "On Monday, Ringhardt was left...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Hartford Police Sgt. Eric Smith

Click here to see's report on Hartford Police Sgt. Eric Smith's negligent discharge. Sgt. Smith somehow forgot to report the fact that his bullet exited his house and entered another---until someone else reported it....

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Rule-Breaker Bingo Edition

  The four rules of gun safety are there for a reason and are ingrained into the minds of every responsible gun owner from day one. Always assume the gun is loaded. Never point the...

Irresponsible Felonious Gun Owner of the Day: Depree Johnson

Convicted felons can't own guns in most cases. RF believes that to be an unreasonable infringement on the Second Amendment, but I'm more or less comfortable with that restriction -- and this guy is...

Irresponsible Gun Owner Of The Day: Willie Mitchell

Everybody wants to be Employee Of The Month. Who can resist the allure of reserved, close-in parking and the immortal glory of having your name and photo on the Wall Of Fame? Apparently not...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Bridgeport, CT Officer Juan Santiago, Jr.

CZ sent us a link to's story about a negligent discharge (ND) by a Bridgeport Police Department officer. Suffice it to say Officer Juan Santiago Jr. had no business "borrowing" a customer's loaded .45---unless and...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unidentified Deltona, Florida Neighbor

24 Home made gun range. Errant bullet. Next-door neighbor dead. "Know your target and what's behind it." Do the math.

Irresponsible Gun Owners of the Day: Austin Police Department Officers Shelly Holmstrom and Vincent...

73 I love me some tactical shotguns. They're as close to a one-stop shot as you can get in a firearm. They're perfect for making solid objects disappear in an explosion of bits. Don't try...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Austin Police Officer Dustin Turner

Oops, I did it again. I played with a shotgun. And shot the squad car dead. To be fair, I think we can assume that this is Austin Police Officer Dustin Turner's first negligent...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Jerome Hauer

If you've ever given a PowerPoint presentation, we feel for you. Actually, we feel for your audience even more, but sometimes these things must be done. Be that as it may, there are some...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Rep. Leslie Combs

"I urge everyone to be extremely cautious with their firearm...I know from personal experience how easy it is to discharge a firearm accidentally." That's Kentucky state legislator Leslie Combs stating the painfully obvious. Well,...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Beer Guy

Shotguns are incredibly versatile firearms, excellent for hunting, self-defense, planting seeds and reducing the number of unwed mothers. We can now add opening a beer to that list. Or not. Yeah, let's go with not. Putting...