Irresponsible Gun Owner Of The Day: Repo Man Edition

When you can't pay cash for a car or ATV, you borrow the money and promise to pay it back. When you can't pay the lender, they'll eventually send someone like Otto from the...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Kenny Woodburn

It's possible that the dog called "Tank" charged Kenny Woodburn , who shot the canine in self-defense. It does not, however, seem likely. "A Maryland man shot dead his neighbor's dog after it wandered...

Irresponsible Gun Owner Of The Day: Joanne Winding

The importance of securing your firearms from children cannot be overstated. When an unsecured firearm leads to a gunshot injury, it's usually because one child finds the gun and shoots another. But this disaster...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Davis County Sheriff’s Office

  You gotta love "safe storage" laws. I don't. I don't like the government telling me how to store my firearms any more than I like them telling me how many guns I can buy...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Officer Daniel Dominguez

You at least have to give the San Antonio PD props for honesty. The vast majority of officer-involved negligent discharges are compliantly reported by local media, providing convenient stenography services for the local 5-0...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Gerard Vincent Poulson

"A possessive and jealous  Poulson accused his wife of one year of infidelity during an argument at their home in February 2012," reports. "He became enraged – shouting and swearing at her and jabbing...

Utah Sheriffs Missing M-16 Misegos

  One week ago, TTAG named the Davis County Sheriff’s Office our Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day for losing a M16. (D'oh!) We were particularly captivated by this comment: "Davis County Sheriff Todd Richardson said...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Dan Bilzerian

  If you want to see the whole YouTube video wherein poker player Dan Bilzerian surrounds FPSRussia with more reasonably attractive scantily-clad women than you'll find at the AVN awards, click here. I didn't post...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Dana All Laws

Those of you keeping score at home, get out your No. 2 pencils. Shirtless wanna-be white rapper? Check. Flat-billed cocked baseball cap? Right. Totally street ink? Fer sher. Unintelligible (other than the cursing) lyrics?...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Dallas Archer

It's been gratifying to see how broadly TTAG's readership has expanded. It's good to know our mission of telling the truth about guns and making the case for the safety, fun and utility of...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Detective Jay Poggi

"Hey, let me show you my new gun!" That's a phrase that, when heard from someone who smells like an Irish brewery, should invariably be answered in the negative. But Det. Matthew Sullivan was...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Christina George-Harvan

As someone who's photographed more than my share of weddings, I can tell you that the lead-up to getting hitched can be a stressful, particularly for the bride. When the big day finally comes...