Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Un-named FBI Agent

Let's start with this: "Nobody at that home was arrested." That would be the Odessa, Texas residence that the FBI raided which "led to several suspects arrested on charges of possession with intent to distribute drugs."...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Christian Ball

We've all had days when things just don't go our way. I get that. But a heated petty domestic dispute between a man, his wife, and their shared romantic partner doesn't excuse violating basic...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day? Your Call

82 By his own account, the camera guy who recorded the video above was sitting in a car on the residential street before the above video starts. Again, by his own account, when camera guy...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Brandon Myers

"'Unfortunately I cannot say what was in Tammy's mind,' (police Lt. Ray Steiber) said. 'Tammy is the victim.'" Yes, that's true. The Tammy who Officer Steiber speaks of is Tammy Myers of Las Vegas...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Adonis Forbes

"Adonis Forbes had come (home) to check on the teenager, Murain Hawkins, who was babysitting Forbes' children in the 2000 block of Tennessee Street. Police said Forbes was 'working on his handgun' when the...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Viridiana Alvarez

66 I saw another one of these teen girl fights on my Facebook feed this morning. It was disgusting. Very, very violent. At least six kids recorded the incident on their cell phones, which went on...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: SWAT Commandeer Lt. Earl Barnes

"An accidental police gunshot into lobby carpet at Town Hall startled officials attending a Town Council workshop Thursday night," reports. "No one was injured after the weapon of Lt. Earl Barnes, the SWAT team...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Jennifer S. Ullrey

As a father, I'm completely on board with setting boundaries for kids, especially when it comes to TV/electronic screen time. You have to get the kids outside or reading a book. They'll have plenty...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Derek Kelly

The Second Amendment protects Americans against government infringement on the right to keep and bear arms. The term "arms" covers all types of guns (including machine guns), swords, knives, crossbows, pepper spray, TASERs, flame-throwers -...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Former Detective Mark Garner

I don't know about you, but when I took my first firearms class focused on defensive use of handguns, the instructor -- Randy Cain -- made sure everyone memorized Jeff Cooper's four rules of gun...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Wilfrido Cruz

"About 6 p.m., 44-year-old Wilfrido Cruz called police to report his Dodge Grand Caravan stolen from his home in the 4300 block of West Cullerton," reports. "Officers responded to meet with Cruz and...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unnamed Dayton, Ohio Man

Every now and then we stumble upon a story of an irresponsible gun owner who comes clean. The miscreant admits the four-rule firearms folly that led to his or her negligent discharge. These mea culpas are the exception to...