Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Sean Murphy

So it's come to this in (formerly) Great Britain. The National Health Service, their creaky socialized medicine system, is evidently so bad that a Doncaster security guard decided to improvise a way to get rid...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Detective Bret Starnes

Remember, leave guns to the experts. Which means the police and the military. It’s just too dangerous to have regular citizens running around with guns. Oh. Wait... (sigh) Another abysmal example of gun handling...

Irresponsible Gun Owner Of The Day: Blair Margiotti

Once is an accident. Twice is an indictment. For Blair Margiotti, it’s proof that he shouldn’t be anywhere near a gun. For a long, long time . . . According to South Dakota's Capitol Journal, Margiotti...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Adolph Hiter

An article at on one of Hitler's ceremonial pistols caught the eye of Mike302000. The blogger called the deadly dull provenance post "fascinating." Here's the bit that entranced our friendly neighborhood gun grabber: "Of all his...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: FPSRussia (Fourth Time’s a Treat)

So TTAG caught up with 'ole FPS at the Lucky Gunner blogger shoot. (Note: no bloggers were shot during the event.) We learned that FPS wasn't Russian and that he was repentant. He promised...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day; Christopher Baldridge

Bringing a loaded gun into an airport is the social equivalent of taking your mom to junior prom. It's a bad choice and it doesn't end well for anyone. Apparently Chris didn't get the...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Jarred Dubois

Only two places for a gun: on your person or locked in a safe. Worried about quick access? We'll have a look at a new 9G biometric safe later today.

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: cokeman2423

In other videos on his channel, cokeman2423 begins his firearms-related stupidity with a simple instruction: DON'T DO THIS . . . FAGGOT. The unnecessary epithet indicates the level of intellect in play. cokeman2423's being...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: FPS Russia (Third Time Lucky)

13 Our man Zimmerman has pointed this out before: don't "plink" into, in front of or over a body of standing water. The rounds can skip off the surface and go in a radically different...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: GUNxprt

I HATE being lasered. Don't point a gun muzzle at me, anytime, ever. A certain TTAG curmudgeon lasered me the other day, claiming it was OK because the action was open. No, it's NOT...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Unidentified KY Driver

"Police in northeastern Kentucky say a 2-year-old found a loaded gun in the center console of the family's vehicle, then accidentally fired a single shot and died a short time later," reports. "Ashland Police...